dfl draft full load 满载吃水
dft draft 吃水、汇票、草稿
dhd demurrage and half despatch 滞期费,速遣费为滞期费的一半
dhdwts despatch&nbs p;money half demurrage and for working time
saved 速遣费为滞期费的一半,并按节省的工作时间计算
dhdwts despatch money bends half demurrage and for working time
saved at both ends 装卸港口的速遣费均按滞期费的一半,并按节省的工作时间计算
dia. diameter 直径
disch d1scharge 卸货
dist distance 距离
d.l.o dlspatch loading delivery only 仅在装货时计算速遣费
dlvy delivery 交货
do ditto 同上,同前
d/o delivery order 提货单
d.o. diesel oil 柴油
docs documents 单证
doz dozen (一)打
d/p documents against payment 付款后交付单据
dp direct port 直达港
d/s deviation surcharge 绕航附加费
d.s. direct surcharge 直航附加费
d.s. sea damage 海上损害
d.t.a. definite time of arrival 船舶确切抵港时间
dtls details 详情
d.w. dock warrant 码头收货单
d.w. deadweight 载重吨
dwc deadweight capacity 受载量
dwct deadweight cargo tonnage 载重吨,受载吨
dwt dead weight tonnage 载重吨
dwtc dead weight tonnage of cargo 货物载重吨
eff efficiency 效率
e.g. example gratia, for example 例如
eiu even if used 即使用也不计算
e/m export manifest 出口载货清单,出口舱单
encl enclosure or enclosed 附件或所附的
eng engineer 工程师,轮机员
eng engine 发动机,(主)机
e.&o.e. errors and ommisions excepted 有错当查/错误和遗漏不在此限
eq equal 等于
e.r. en route (船舶)在途中
est estimated 估计的,预计的
eta estimated time of arrival (船舶)预计抵港时间
etad expected time of arrival and departure (船舶)预计到达和离开时间
etb expected time of berthing (船舶)预计靠泊时间
etc expected time of commencement 预计开始时间
etc. et cetera 等等
etcd estimated time of commencing discharging (船舶)预计开始卸货时间
etd estimated time of departure (船舶)预计离港时间
ete estimated time enroute 预计(在海上)航行时间
etl estimated time of loading ( 船舶)预计开装时间
ets estimated time of sailing (船舶)预计开航时间
ex excluding 除外 ,扣除
exp export 出口
exps expenses (费用)支出
ext extenslon 电话分机,延长
exw ex work 产地交货价
f fuel oil 燃油
faa free of all average 一切海损均不赔偿
faq fair average quality 中等货
fas free alongside ship 船边交货价
fc floating crane 浮吊
f/c forecast 预报
fca free carrier 货交承运人
fcl full container load 整箱货
f. d. free discharge (船方)不负担卸货费用
fdft fore draft 吃水、艏吃水
f.&d. freight and demurrage 运费和延滞费
fefc far east freight conference 远东水脚公会