abt about 大约,关于
a/c account 计算
a/c account current 账户
acct account 账目,账户
a·&c·p· anchors&chains 锚和锚链试验台
acpt acceptance 接受
adcom address commission 订舱佣金,租船佣金
add.comm address commission 订舱佣金,租船佣金
adft aft draft 艉吃水
adv. advise 通知
adv advance 提前
a·f· advanced freight 预付运费
a·f·b· air freight bill 空运运单
afmt after fixing main terms 主要(租船)条款确认以后 agrd agreed 同意
agrt agreement 协议
agt agent 代理
agw all going well 取决于)一切顺利
a·h· after hatch 后舱
am morning 上午
a·m· above mentioned 上述的
amt amount 金额、数额
a·n · arrival notice 到达通知
a/p additiona primium 额外保险费\\老船加保费
appr approximate 大约
approx approximate 大约
a/r all rlsks against all 一切险、承保一切风险
a/s after sight/alongside 见票后/船边
asap as s00n as possible 尽,决、尽速
asf as follows 如下
asst assistant 助理,援助
atl actual total loss 实际全损
attn attention 由··收阅
auto automatic 自动的
a.v ad valorem 从价费率
avg average 平均,海损
ba bale capacity 包装容积
baf bunker adjustment factor 燃油附加费
bal balance 平衡、余额、差额
butc baltime uniform time charter 统一定期租船合同,“波尔的摩”期祖合同
bb below bridges 桥楼以下(容积)
bd banking days 银行工作日
b/d bar draught 河口)沙洲吃水
bdi both dates inclusive 包括首尾两日
bdl bundle 捆
b/e bill of exchange/bill of entry 汇票/进口报告书
beam breadth of the vessel 船宽
bends both ends 装卸港
bfi baltic freight index 波罗的海运价指数
b/g bonded goods 保税货物
bg bags 袋
b/h bill of health 健康证明书
bimco baltic international maritime conference波罗的海国际航运公会
biz business 业务
b/l bill of lading 提单
bl blading bill of lading 提单