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圣诞节英文主持稿, Water is the source of life, waste must be punished for it. Lets make a game, XXXXXXXXXX. B: Japan Qianqianquege even though I am floating in the distance on the road even if Japan Pros late tonight over the moon bright stars than you can not a







  女:Here comes the Santa Claus!


  女:Let`s welcome the Santa Claus with the cheerful singing and dancing performed by Huamei Kindergarten children! 谢谢32名小朋友和全体幼儿园教师带给我们节日《喜洋洋》的心情和气氛.

  2, 女:你喜欢唱歌吗 男:那当然! 女:那你喜欢唱什么歌 男:那还用问,流行歌. 女:可这些歌适合我们唱吗 男:这……确实是个问题,不如我们来听听他们是怎么说的吧!请欣赏群口相声《哪有我们能唱的歌》.

  3, 男:在全校的几十个课外兴趣小组中,木琴小组是一个多月前才成立的.但我们的小学生已经想向大家汇报了.这次他们将和钢琴,电子琴的同学合作.大胆尝试民族乐和西洋乐相结合. 女:Xylophone performing group was just established one month ago, but our players are eager to show us their talents and achievement. Now, they will cooperate with the students playing piano and electronic keyboard to present us a creative integration of local and western music. Please appreciate the instrumental ensemble— 请欣赏乐器合奏 《 乌苏里船歌》《 快乐的罗嗦》,让我们用掌声鼓励这些初次登台的同学们.

  4,《Here comes santa claus》 下一个幽默,短小具有西方风情的舞蹈将由来自三大洲的演员们献上.我相信,你们一定猜到他们就是今年刚刚入学的小学部国际班的同学们.

  5,女:手牵手我的朋友,爱永远在你左右,因为你和我,才有明天的彩虹; 手牵手我们共同走过人生的风雨历程,母校啊,你见证我们的成长! 今天我们迎来了几十名校友,他们有的刚从海外大学回到家乡,有的白天还在国内的名校教室中刻苦攻读.93级--95级同学与中学部高二同学联合演唱的《手牵手》,将为我们牵出今夜归来的校友,牵出他们给母校华美的祝福和问侯.

  6, 男:华美是学园,乐园.我们在这里学习生活,享受着无尽的欢乐与温馨.看!我们的快乐英语是我们的好朋友.请欣赏小学英语戏剧《狮子王》 女:Huamei is a paradise for us to learn and enjoy life. We are here happily growing physically and mentally, with teachers’ and students’ love and caring. Look, here come our good friends---Happy English Group. Let’s appreciate their English play " Lion King".

  7, 女:小小天鹅初长成,欲展舞姿献客人. 男:经过4年的努力学习,她们终于掂起脚尖,,, 女:看,一群美丽,高贵的小天鹅向我们们走来了.请欣赏芭蕾舞《海盗》片段:花园圆舞曲. 男:Look, some little swans are flying toward us to show us their elegant and graceful dancing. Let’s enjoy an episode from the claSsical Ballet 《海盗》

  8, 男:有音乐的地方就有欢乐,有音乐的地方就有新的希望. 让我们从多来咪出发,去寻找音乐带给我们的欢乐与希望. 请欣赏阎颖老师带领全体幼儿园大班小朋友表演的电影《音乐之声》片段《多来咪》. 女:Where there is music, there is joy; where there is music, there’s hope. Let’s start with Do Re Me to explore the joys and hopes. Now let’s welcome the Kindergarten kids to perform Do Re Me, adapted from the famous movie---The Sound of Music.

  9,女:(街舞串词和名称没交) 有一种舞蹈,他很随意;有一种舞蹈,他很有活力;有一种舞蹈,他有着无穷的吸引力.他就是让众多少男少女喜爱的街舞.下面有请中加高中的阳光少年为我们献上街舞《 》.

  10, 男:下一个节目:"第七第八节课", 女:什么 男:华美的第七第八节课, 女:哦,我明白了,如此说来,今天的整个演出都可以说是第七八节课了.在中学部哥哥姐姐的器乐组合中,小学部的小画家和书法家将给大家献出一份无声无息但又五彩缤纷的节目.

  11, 女:我校艺术体操队是天河区重点培训队之一,今年6月在邹晶老师带领下,她们获得广州市艺术体操比赛三个单项奖冠军,团体冠军和十多个银牌,铜牌. 男:她们在跳动的音符里,挥动艺术的翅膀,让我们共同用跳跃的心灵,来感受艺术体操的魅力.现在请大家欣赏几年来战绩赫赫的艺术体操队的表演.

  的 并不是那么容易分辨.下面的双人舞将从一个侧面反应网络和虚拟世界的残酷,相信对大家有所启发.请欣赏舞蹈《 》,表演者:陈晔,徐思旻,友情出演:原出国留学预科毕业后在英国留学的华美校友——欧敏静 .

  15,男:金色的年华,金色的旋律.今年的圣诞迎新晚会是登台学生最多的一次,可是仍然只能是很少的一部分.你发现没有,台下的同学个按捺不住了. 金旋律培训中心的老师们均毕业于星海音乐学院.可个个是身怀绝技的.平常只见过他们弹琴,这次看他们给我们带来了什么.

  16,女:英语是我校的特色,每位同学都能或多或少来几句.下面我们中小学的同学就来比一比.看谁的嗓门儿亮,看谁唱得好.现在我们进入《广场英语大合唱》 English is Huamei’s another brand name, since every student here can speak English, much or little. Here come the students from primary school and middle school, and they’d like to challenge each other to see who is better in singing English songs. Let’s welcome them and cheer them on!

  17,男:外教英语诗歌朗诵《A visit from St Nicholas》 有相聚就会有别离,今天我们相聚一堂,明天也许各奔东西,但我们共同渡过的美好时光将永远难以忘怀,相信那份共同的回忆让我们永远相信友谊地久天长. 最后,请欣赏大合唱及大型英语诗歌朗诵 Lastly, please enjoy the chorus and English poems performed by… 因为相聚,让我们分享了这快乐的时光,因为圣诞,让我们承载无尽的祝福.敬爱的老师,亲爱的同学们,让我们真心地祝愿:Marry Christmas!圣诞快乐!愿圣诞老人把我们今晚许下的所有心愿一一实现.我们明年再见!! Dear teachers and schoolmates, let’s finally wish you all a merry Christmas and happy new year! May Santa Claus make all our dreams come true. See you next year! Good night!



  A,B:Good evening, dear ladies and gentlemen! Welcome to our Christmas party!


  A:With the snow flakes falling from the sky,


  A:With the Christmas carols resounding around our ears


  B:With the Christmas presents passing through our friends and ourselves


  A:With the kindest Santa Christ in red walking towards us


  A,B:Let's shout,"Christmas is coming! Merry Christmas!!!


  A: _________,at this special moment, I can't be more excited. How about you?


  B:Of course,__________, me too. And I dare say that I've never been so happy in my life. I bet you do, yeah?


  A:Sure, you are right. So why are we still waiting? I gueour audience can't wait to enjoy our exciting performance. Do you think so,________?


  B:it's just the truth. So now, let's enjoy!

  B:这是事实。所以现在,让我们一起来享受吧! ! !


  The whole clasing a song named:《We Wish You a Merry Christmas》

  二,主持人闪亮登台 (Hosts appear!)


  Good afternoon! My respectful teachers and dear classmates. Under Mr. An and w hole clacadres’ careful design and my classmates’ help, we are meeting the exciting day finally---

  谢他们精彩的表演! 接下来,请欣赏小品<< 就爱逗你玩>>, 表演者: 晁亚玲, 汪娜, 王玮, 李梦昭.

  Thanks for their splendid performance! Then, please enjoy a short: << Like to Play with You!>> performed by …

  多有趣的节目! 谢谢你们! 下面由我来给大家带来一段京剧<<唱脸谱>>, 希望大家喜欢! 来点掌声!

  What an interesting short! Thank you! The following program is performed by me, named<< Sing the Theatrical Makeup>>, I hope you can like it, give me some applause!


  Now, let’s invite Mr. Zhao and Mr. Gong to perform a program! Am I right?

  感谢他们的精彩的表演! 再一次的感谢他们!

  Thanks for their graceful singing! Thank you again!


  Now, It’s time for us to play a game :<< Mouth is different From Hands>>/

  现在, 继续我们的节目, 让我们看看我们班的帅哥们是如何演绎这 首流行歌曲<<水手>>的! 来吧, 帅哥们!

  Now, continue our programs! Let’s look at these handsome boys to sing a popular song<>! Come on, guys!

  刚才帅哥们的表现不俗! 我想现在轮到我们班的美女来闪亮登场了!

  下面有请张佳, 她为大家带来一首<<你的微笑>>!

  Just now, these handsome boys did a good job! Now I think it is time for a beauty to come here. Let’s invite Zhangjia to sing a song :<< Your Smiling>>.

  下面, 请欣赏诗朗诵<>, 表演者: 苏小兰.

  Next, please enjoy a poem recitation, <> recited by Su Xiaolan.

  多么美妙的诗歌啊! 接下来我们邀请几位同学做个有趣的游戏: <<吹乒乓球>>

  How beautiful the poem is! Then, we will invite several people to play a game: <>.


  Today is Christma




  A: Dear teachers and students.

  B: Good morning!

  A: Christmas send teams to start now.

  B: sweet Christmas went, the more beautiful and happy Christmas! I wish you all a Merry Christmas! A: Today, we are happy to meet here;

  B: Here, we know many of the students,

  A: Here, we have friends,

  B: Here, we have progress,

  A: Here, we have success.

  AB: Today, in the upcoming Christmas night, we sincerely thank the class teacher, I would like to thank our students, thank you all!

  A: Today, let us use the youthful vitality will light the flame of passion.

  B: Today, let us for tomorrow's Imagination added a more brilliant;

  A: Today, we walked on a strong pace in the sixth grade 5 classes ahead of the express train. B: We believe that: We will be 5 in the first grade class vision to add touch of dazzling glory

  A: tomorrow's sixth-grade classes will be 5 in the rising sun around the hopes knitting a beautiful flower! B: We believe: our efforts today will bear rich fruits of tomorrow,

  A Today, we sow the seeds of hope that tomorrow there will be heavy harvest.

  B please enjoy (xxxxxxxx) performers: XXXX: XXXXX, and so on!

  A: young, waves a cheerful melody notes, as the sun filled with broad smiles on their faces, let us embrace the colorful sun, let us Daosheng pure blessing, please enjoy XXXXXXX, performers: XXXXXXXXXXX

  B: If winter comes, Santa Claus in the footsteps of the past. Pianpian accompanied by the flying snow, accompanied by our laughter.

  A: We come to relax, to listen to the comic section, the performers: XXXXXXXXXX.

  B: spring is the longing for winter, autumn is the fruitful longing, the longing for the land is rain, coastal sailing is the longing for home if you were found to be well read you a long time as usual. Please enjoy XXXXXXXX performers: XXXXX

  A: Water is the source of life, waste must be punished for it. Let's make a game, XXXXXXXXXX. B: Japan Qianqianquege even though I am floating in the distance on the road even if Japan Pros late tonight over the moon bright stars than you can not afford to come this beautiful night, enjoy the show girls: xxxxxxxxx, performers: XXXXXXX

  A: I was standing in the wind Lie Lie, Hen Buneng Dangjin continuous pain.

  Point B Heaven four-moving cloud, sword in hand to ask the world who is a hero

  A Please enjoy, XXXXXXX, performers; XXXXXX

  B: six (5) for each day spent classes are fun day.

  B, please listen to XXXXXXX, "XXXXXXXXX", a performer: XXXXXXX

  B: is the young shoots of spring, the grasslands of the new law, the water Furong ... ...

  B: young is the rising sun, the heart of the expedition fan, Li Jian Li Xian's ... ...

  A: is the youngest of the mountains came tumbling waterfalls, lightning storms, desert sand in the Battle Flag ... ...

  A: Gold is a young, young is silver, a young life is unparalleled treasure!

  B: Please enjoy the song "XXXX"

  A: sing, sing the inner joy and best wishes, you jump, jump out of hope and vitality of the young, bless you and wishing everyone a happy life. Let us hold up a piece of clouds with a blessing to you, at the

  same time sincerely thank you for your concern and help, you are sincere to say: "HAPPY NEW YEAR". (Female): Wind over lightly, in passing what? Or waiting for what?

  (M): pass our songs, laughter, I am waiting for your wonderful life!

  (Female): My friends, this time to bring the pleasure of feeling that we sincere best wishes to bring to a bright future to meet you!

  (M): We wish in the new year and good luck, good luck often! I wish the students with achieving has achieved remarkable results!

  (Female): the end of the evening, once again thank you for coming.








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