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2007最新经典广告词 7

2007最新经典广告词The proof of gold is fire;the proof of woman ,gold the proof of ...
2007最新经典广告词The proof of gold is fire;the proof of woman ,gold; the proof of man , a woman.
检验黄金者 炉火,检验女人者 黄金,检验男人者 女人 。 (富兰克林)
One boy is boy,two boys half a boy, three boys no boy.
一子养老,二子分担,三子无子。 (计划生育)
Many a friend is better than a lot of wealth.
connecting people (nokia)
Give me somewhere to stand, and I'll move the earth. (Archimedes)
In the Company of Masters
尊贵人生 大师随行 (奥迪A8)
A light heart lives long.