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唐山高新区 2006年新年贺词

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这些成绩的取得,离不开市委、市政府的正确领导,离不开社会各界的关心和支持, 更离不开全区干部职工的辛勤努力和拼搏进取。在此,我也代表高新区党工委、管委会向全区干部职工表示衷心的感谢和崇高的敬意!


Dear comrades and friends,

The 2006 New Year bell will be rung soon. At this key moment of ringing out the old year and ringing in the new, on behalf of the CPC Working Committee and Administrative Committee of Tangshan New&Hi-tech Development Zone, I’m very happy to extend cordial greetings and best wishes to all the official staff, the enterprises in the Zone and all the friends home and abroad who are concerned about the development and prosperity of the Zone. I wish you all a very healthy, prosperous and happy new year.

In the past year, under the guidance of the CPC Tangshan Committee and the municipal government, we committed ourselves to be enterprising and solidarity, endeavored to work hard and dedicated to innovation. We’ve gained satisfactory achievements in all undertakings with the steady, healthy and rapid development of regional economy, the remarkable progress in economy strength; the One Park&Two Bases came into being, the obviously boosted characteristic industry concentration effect; the further deepened incubating and service functions and the primarily shaping of the small medium-sized scientific technological enterprises development platform. Meanwhile, the entire Zone achieved a steadily political and economic developing phase with increasingly deepened reforms, coordinated development of the social undertakings and comprehensively reinforced construction of CPC, which laid a good foundation for the faster and better development in the future.

The achievements should owe to the correct leadership under the CPC Tangshan Committee and municipal government, should owe to the concerns and supports from all circles and should owe to the arduous endeavor and hard working. Here, representing CPC Working Committee and Administrative Committee of Tangshan New&Hi-tech Development Zone, I’m willing to express sincere thanks and great respect to all the official staff of the Zone.

The year 2006 is the initial year of the 11th Five-year Plan and also the significant year of fulfilling scientific development and promoting harmonious Zone construction, full of responsibilities and hopes. We’ll commit ourselves to carry out carefully the essences of the 5th Plenary Session of the 16th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, the 8th Plenary Session of the 6th Provincial Committee of CPC and 8th Plenary Session of the 7th Municipal Committee of CPC, to develop with high speed, high efficiency and high quality according to the developing requirement of being faster and better, to open wider to the outside world, exert predominance and break through difficulties; to promote infrastructure construction and optimize investment environment; to intensify the adjustment of economy structure and enhance the quality and benefit of economy growth; to develop new&hi-tech industry and exert the function of drive and radiation; to make rapid development in rural areas, combine the development in the urban area with that in the rural areas so as to insure the driving development of regional economy and the comprehensive progress of all social undertakings in the Zone.

Dear comrades and friends, we are delighted and inspired by the past, we are also vigorous and confident towards the future. Let’s remember our historical mission, concentrate spirits and intelligence, arouse all of our efforts to make the Zone prosperous, work energetically, design the magnificent blueprint of a harmonious Zone and step into a new spring of the Zone’s development.

Finally, I wish you all a very happy and prosperous new year
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