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Becoming Steve Jobs: The Evolution of a Reckless Upstart into a Visionary Leader | |||
Becoming Steve Jobs: The Evolution of a Reckless Upstart into a Visionary Leader |
"Steve Jobs is the person who most inspires the new generation of Silicon Valley entrepreneurs. In this deeply-researched book, you'll find the most honest portrait of the real Steve Jobs."
--Marc Andreessen
“One of the best things Brent Schlender and Rick Tetzeli do in writing about Jobs is undoing the ‘lone genius’ myth, and complicating his persona.”
--Anil Dash, CEO of ThinkUp
"The book about Steve Jobs that the world deserves. Smart, accurate, informative, insightful and at times, utterly heartbreaking....Becoming Steve Jobs is going to be an essential reference for decades to come."
--John Gruber, Daring Fireball
“Brent Schlender and Rick Tetzeli render a spectacular service with this book, giving fresh perspective on Steve Jobs’ journey from inspiring but immature entrepreneur into an inspired and mature company-builder. Most important, they capture Jobs’ resilience, his refusal to capitulate, his restless drive to stay in the game, his voracious appetite to learn—this, far more than genius, is what made him great. Becoming Steve Jobs gets the focus precisely right: not as a success story, but as a growth story. Riveting, insightful, uplifting—read it and learn!”
--Jim Collins, author of Good to Great, co-author of Built to Last and Great by Choice
“Becoming Steve Jobs is fantastic. After working with Steve for over 25 years, I feel this book captures with great insight the growth and complexity of a truly extraordinary person. I hope that it will be recognized as the definitive history.”
--Ed Catmull, president, Disney Animation and Pixar
“What makes their book important is that they contend — persuasively, I believe — that . . . [Jobs] was not the same man in his prime that he had been at the beginning of his career. The callow, impetuous, arrogant youth who co-founded Apple was very different from the mature and thoughtful man who returned to his struggling creation and turned it into a company that made breathtaking products while becoming the dominant technology company of our time."
--Joe Nocera, The New York Times
"Highly recommended."
--Philip Elmer-DeWitt, Fortune.com
"Square would not exist without the work and persistence of Steve Jobs. I am forever grateful. Amazing read."
--Jack Dorsey
"...Will quicken the pulse of even obsessive Apple watchers....a layered portrait of the mercurial Jobs, whose style and personality...were constantly evolving, right up to his early death."
--Brad Stone, NYT Sunday Book Review
“A fascinating, insightful book that does a great job capturing what and who the man inside the public mask actually was. I’m pleased someone got to write it. It needed writing. Previous titles failed. Highly recommended.”
–Jonny Evans, ComputerWorld
“Becoming Steve Jobs especially shines when it serves up opportunities to get a fresh look at Jobs’ passion for always sticking to the intersection of technology and the humanities that animated his work.”
–Andy Meek, BGR
“Schlender is one of the very few journalists whom Steve Jobs favored with his trust over decades of coverage….only in Becoming Steve Jobs do I recognize the complexity and warmth that I saw first-hand in Jobs, particularly in the last few years of his life.”
–Steven Levy, Backchannel
“If you’re interested in learning more about Steve Jobs’ life, business strategies, successes and failures, the Becoming Steve Jobs book is certainly worth your time.” --Jeremy Horwitz, 9to5Mac
“Reveals lesser-known aspects of Jobs’ life….That’s really where Becoming Steve Jobs shines. It offers a unique take on the decisions (mistakes) Jobs made during his time at NeXT and Pixar.”
—Harrison Weber, Venture Beat
“In some ways, this biography can be likened to a college level course in "Jobsology," one that through new information provides adequate insight to flip established doctrine on its head. Exactly what Schlender and Tetzeli intended….Schlender and Tetzeli proffer a measured and deliberate chronicling of Jobs' peaks and valleys painted in the words of those who knew him best. It is a record of an incredible life that has until now only been accessible through the prism of the media and what Jobs himself would allow. It forces us to think different.”
–Mikey Campbell, Apple Insider
“Becoming Steve Jobs does not absolve the protagonist of his foibles, but shows that his accomplishments were indeed legion.”
–The Economist
“For a deeply felt account… of the qualities that earned Jobs the abiding respect and love of his closest associates… the Schlender and Tetzeli book is the best that’s currently available.”
—Michael Cohen, TidBITS
"...Detailed and thorough...full of intimate and personal anecdotes from Jobs' life that demonstrate how he evolved from the Steve Jobs that was ousted from Apple in the early 1990s to the man that lead the company to release its most revolutionary products."
-- Lisa Eadicicco, Business Insider
BRENT SCHLENDER is one of the premiere chroniclers of the personal computer revolution, writing about every major figure and company in the tech industry. He covered Steve Jobs for the Wall Street Journal and Fortune for nearly 25 years.
RICK TETZELI, executive editor of Fast Company, has covered technology for two decades. He is the former deputy editor of Fortune, and editor of Entertainment Weekly.
网友对Becoming Steve Jobs: The Evolution of a Reckless Upstart into a Visionary Leader的评论
第一时间购买了美国kindle版,书中的乔布斯不再是傲慢的独裁者,而是感情丰富的“人”,而所谓的傲慢都源于对内心价值的坚持。Tim Cook在书中也说:“如果乔布斯真像Isaacson那本书里写的那样,我绝不会为他工作。” 读完前几章,我直接跳读了最后一章,乔布斯生命的弥留之际,一面是身体极度虚弱,一面是对苹果更多的热爱,一面是对亲人朋友的留恋,让人无法不为之动容。
这本书《Becoming Steve Jobs》比Isaacson的那本《史蒂夫·乔布斯传》要好看一些。主要原因是作者之一的Schlender采访乔布斯多年,手上累积了大量一手的资料,所以在选取时游刃有余,同时也因为他和其它与乔布斯同时代的IT巨擘有着良好的采访/被采访关系和/或私人关系,所以能从更多的角度、更多的来源对乔布斯进行描述。
和所有第三方撰写的人物传记一样,或者和我更愿意推荐的《Decision Point》相反,这样的传记"rest":"没法描述一些重大决策幕后的详细流程,也许是因为有商务约束而不能透露关键信息?我更喜欢像《Decision Point》那样,即便略带self defense,也要知道此人在做出某个关键决定的时候有怎样的过程。这样的过程对于我们来说也许是更有价值的。<br /><br />乔布斯已经死去,在这近五年的时间里,我们见证了苹果的一些突破,却更多地领教了苹果的创意不再。要推出一个全新的产品,一个连消费者原先都不知道、但是看到后会惊呼“那就是我想要的”产品,确实是一件极为困难的事情。苹果还有着乔布斯的骄傲,却失去了能因之而骄傲的灵气。作为一个世界上股票市值名列前茅的巨型公司,也许不再能有昔日的勇气去否定自己,而否定自己正是创造力的重要来源。<br /><br />硬件、软件、服务……突破无非将出现在这三个领域中。"
在天猫买的,100块,还挺好,蛮效率的,刚出就有货了。 首先是给书自己的评价。因为我还没读完,不能完全说书怎么样。现在只能说它给我的感觉和以前乔布斯给我的深刻印象有很大的不同。可能是之前乔布斯传给我的影响太大了吧,所有关于乔布斯的东西都是从乔布斯传来的。诚然,乔布斯传是一本了解先生的最好途径,但是毕竟会带有艾萨克森(书作者)的主观。becoming steve 中的乔布斯有很深刻的感情,给乔布斯换了一个角度去认识,当然,这也会带有记者的主观色彩。发一些图片来看就知道书的特点了。
不懂的单词就跳过 用了一个多月读完
I haven't finished reading it yet, but there is no doubt that the book is so excellent that I am now crazy about enjoying it. As a senior high school student, I can read the book without difficulties.
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