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Wave Motion in Elastic Solids | ![]() |
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Wave Motion in Elastic Solids | ![]() |
This highly useful textbook presents comprehensive intermediate-level coverage of nearly all major topics of elastic wave propagation in solids. The subjects range from the elementary theory of waves and vibrations in strings to the three-dimensional theory of waves in thick plates. The book is designed not only for a wide audience of engineering students, but also as a general reference for workers in vibrations and acoustics.
Chapters 1–4 cover wave motion in the simple structural shapes, namely strings, longitudinal rod motion, beams and membranes, plates and (cylindrical) shells. Chapters 5–8 deal with wave propagation as governed by the three-dimensional equations of elasticity and cover waves in infinite media, waves in half-space, scattering and diffraction, and waves in thick rods, plates, and shells.
To make the book as self-contained as possible, three appendices offer introductory material on elasticity equations, integral transforms and experimental methods in stress waves. In addition, the author has presented fairly complete development of a number of topics in the mechanics and mathematics of the subject, such as simple transform solutions, orthogonality conditions, approximate theories of plates and asymptotic methods.
Throughout, emphasis has been placed on showing results, drawn from both theoretical and experimental studies, as well as theoretical development of the subject. Moreover, there are over 100 problems distributed throughout the text to help students grasp the material. The result is an excellent resource for both undergraduate and graduate courses and an authoritative reference and review for research workers and professionals.
I.1 General aspects of wave propagation
I.2 Applications of wave phenomena
I.3 Historical background
1.1. Waves in long strings
1.1.1. The governing equations
1.1.2. Harmonic waves
1.1.3. The D'Alembert solution
1.1.4. The initial-value problem
1.1.5. The initial-value problem by Fourier analysis
1.1.6. Energy in a string
1.1.7. Forced motion of a semi-infinite string
1.1.8. Forced motion of an infinite string
1.2. Reflection and transmission at boundaries
1.2.1. Types of boundaries
1.2.2. Reflection from a fixed boundary
1.2.3. Reflection from an elastic boundary
1.2.4. Reflection of harmonic waves
1.2.5. Reflection and transmission at discontinuities
1.3. Free vibration of a finite string
1.3.1. Waves in a finite string
1.3.2. Vibrations of a fixed-fixed string
1.3.3. The general normal mode solution
1.4. Forced vibrations of a string
1.4.1. Solution by Green's function
1.4.2. Solution by transform techniques
1.4.3. Solution by normal modes
1.5. The string on an elastic base-dispersion
1.5.1. The governing equation
1.5.2. Propagation of harmonic waves
1.5.3. Frequency spectrum and the dispersion curve
1.5.4 Harmonic and pulse exitation of a semi-infinite string
1.6. Pulses in a dispersive media-group velocity
1.6.1. The concept of group velocity
1.6.2. Propagation of narrow-band pulses
1.6.3. Wide-band pulses-The method of stationary phase
1.7. The string on a viscous subgrade
1.7.1 The governing equation
1.7.2 Harmonic wave propagation
1.7.3 Forced motion of a string
2.1. Waves in long rods
2.1.1. The governing equation
2.1.2. Basic propagation characteristics
2.2. Reflection and transmission at boundaries
2.2.1. Reflection from free and fixed ends
2.2.2. Reflection from other end conditions
2.2.3. Transmission into another rod
2.3. Waves and vibration in a finite rod
2.3.1. Waves in a finite rod-history of a stress pulse
2.3.2. Free vibrations of a finite rod
2.3.3. Forced vibrations of rods
2.3.4. Impulse loading of a rod-two approaches
2.4. Longitudinal impact
2.4.1. Longitudinal collinear impact of two rods
2.4.2. Rigid-mass impact against a rod
2.4.3. Impact of an elastic sphere against a rod
2.5. Dispersive effects in rods
2.5.1. Rods of variable cross section-impedance
2.5.2. Rods of variable section-horn resonance
2.5.3. Effects of lateral inertia-dispersion
2.5.4. Effects of lateral inertia-pulse propagation
2.6. Torsional vibrations
2.6.1. The governing equation
2.7. Experimental studies in longitudinal waves
2.7.1. Longitudinal impact of spheres on rods
2.7.2. Longitudinal wave across discontinuities
2.7.3. The split Hopkinson pressure bar
2.7.4. Lateral inertia effects
2.7.5. Some other results of longitudinal wave experiments
3.1. Propagation and reflection characteristics
3.1.1. The governing equation
3.1.2. Propagation of harmonic waves
3.1.3. The initial-value problem
3.1.4. Forced motion of a beam
3.1.5 Reflection of harmonic view
3.2. Free and forced vibrations of finite beams
3.2.1. Natural frequencies of finite beams
3.2.2. Orthogonality
3.2.3. The initial-value problem
3.2.4. Forced vibrations of beams-methods of analysis
3.2.5 Some problems in forced vibrations of beams
3.3. Foundation and prestress effects
3.3.1 The governing equation
3.3.2. The beam on an elastic foundation
3.3.3. The moving load on a elastically supported beam
3.3.4. The effects of prestress
3.3.5 "Impulse loading of a finite, prestressed, visco-elastically supported beam"
3.4. Effects of shear and rotary inertia
3.4.1. The governing equations
3.4.2. Harmonic waves
3.4.3. Pulse propagation in a Timeoshenko beam
3.5. Wave propagation in rings
3.5.1. The governing equations
3.5.2. Wave propagation
3.6. Experimental studies on beams
3.6.1. Propagation of transients in straight beams
3.6.2. Beam vibration experiments
3.6.3. Waves in curved rings
4.1. Transverse motion in membranes
4.1.1. The governing equation
4.1.2. Plane waves
4.1.3. The initial-value problem
4.1.4 Forced vibration of a membrane
4.1.5 Reflection of waves from membrane boundaries
4.1.6. Waves in a membrane strip
4.1.7. Vibrations of finite membranes
4.2. Flexural waves in thin plates
4.2.1. The governing equations
4.2.2. Boundary conditions for a plate
4.2.3. Plane waves in an infinite plate
4.2.4. An initial-value problem
4.2.5. Forced motion of an infinite plate
4.2.6. Reflection of plane waves from boundaries
4.2.7. Free vibrations of finite plates
4.2.8 Experimental results on waves in plates
4.3. Waves in the cylindrical shells
4.3.1. Governing equations for a cylindrical membrane shell
4.3.2. Wave propagation in the shell
6.4.2. Waves in layered media-Love waves
6.5. Experimental studies on waves in semi-infinite media
6.5.1. Waves into a half-space from a surface source
6.5.2. Surface waves on a half-space
6.5.3. Other studies on surface waves
7.1. Scattering of waves by cavities
7.1.1. Scattering of SH waves by a cylindrical cavity
7.1.2 Scattering of compressional waves by a spherical obstacle
7.2. Diffraction of plane waves
7.2.1. Discussion of the Green's function approach
7.2.2. The Sommerfield diffraction problem
7.2.3. Geometric acoustics
8.1. Continuous waves in a plate
8.1.1. SH waves in a plate
8.1.2. Waves in a plate with mixed boundary conditions
8.1.3. The Rayleigh-Lamb frequency equation for the plate
8.1.4. The general frequency equation for a plate
8.1.5. Analysis of the Raleigh-Lamb equation
8.1.6. Circular crested waves in a plate
8.1.7 Bound plates-SH and Lamè modes
8.2. Waves in circular rods and cylindrical shells
8.2.1. The frequency equation for the solid rod
8.2.2. "Torsional, longitudinal, and flexural modes in a rod"
8.2.3. Waves in cylindrical shells
8.3. "Approximate theories for waves in plates, rods, and shells"
8.3.1. An approximate theory for plate flexural modes
8.3.2. An approximate theory for extensional waves in plates
8.3.3. Approximate theories for longitudinal waves in rods
8.3.4. Approximate theories for waves in shells
8.4. Forced motion of plates and rods
8.4.1. SH waves in a plate
8.4.2. Pulse propagation in a infinite rod
8.4.3. Transient compressional wave in semi-infinite rods and plates
8.5. Experimental studies on waves in rods and plates
8.5.1. Multiple reflections within a waveguide
8.5.2. Dispersion of a sharp pulse in a cylindrical rod
8.5.3. Experimental results for step pulses
8.5.4. Other studies of waves in cylindrical rods and shells
A.1. Notation
A.2. Strain
A.3. Stress
A.4. Conservation equations
A.4.1. Conservation of mass
A.4.2. Conservation of momentum
A.4.3. Conservation of moment of momentum
A.4.4. Conservation of energy
A.5. Constitutive equations
A.5.1. Green's method
A.5.2. Cauchy's method
A.5.3. Isotropic elastic solid
A.6. Solution uniqueness and boundary conditions
A.6.1. Uniqueness
A.6.2. Boundary conditions
A.7. Other continua
A.8. Additional energy consideration
A.9. Elasticity equations in curvilinear coordinates
A.9.1. Cylindrical coordinates
A.9.2. Spherical coordinates
B.1. General
B.2. Laplace transforms
B.2.1. Definition
B.2.2. Transforms of derivatives
B.2.3. The inverse transform
B.2.4. Partial fractions
B.2.5. Solutions of ordinary differential equations
B.2.6. Convolution
B.2.7 The inversion integral
B.3. Fourier transforms
B.3.1. Definition
B.3.2. Transforms of derivatives
B.3.3. The inverse transform
B.3.4. Convolution
B.3.5. Finite Fourier transforms
B.3.6. The Fourier integral
B.4. Hankel transforms
B.4.1. Definitions
B.4.2. Transforms of derivatives and Parseval's theorem
B.5. Tables of transforms
B.6. Fourier spectra of pulses
C.1. Methods for producing stress waves
C.2. Methods for detecting stress waves
"References to Appendices A, B, C."
网友对Wave Motion in Elastic Solids的评论
但是这个印刷版本太差了,为 22 cm x 15 cm 的开本, 其宽度比1975年的版本窄 1.5cm, 看上去十分寒酸,就像那种旅行中阅读的看完一次就扔掉的 pocket book. 买了四十多年的书, 从来没见过印刷开本如此差的专业书!
Excellent Product and service.
I don't know why this book is so cheap. It covers the fundamentals of wave propagation in solids and has great citations.
It is an excellent book for civil engineers, I am specially interested in the wave motion in beams on elastic foundation
The derivations and progression from simple to complex problems are quite deliberate and thorough. He takes examples and solutions from Sneddon's & Morse's classic texts, sometimes making them more accessible. Although he starts simple in each chapter, he rapidly arrives at more complex mathematical material, always ending chapters with a link back to physical measurements and testing.
I appreciate the way he takes a moderately complex problem and solves some key aspect of it using several alternative approaches, to show how they are the same and different. This is very revealing and also pedagogically important to understanding how you best attack a new problem you don't get out of a textbook.
In the first 4 chapters, the book steps through many of the decisions that must be made in the calculation of contour integrals resulting from Fourier, Laplace, and Hankel transforms (how to close contours, how to exclude singularities, etc.). He sometimes goes down a wrong path to show how you would understand that you had made a mistake somewhere. He also throws out a fair number of useful mathematical tricks, although it is often subtle, and you sometimes have to read carefully to see them for what they are.
The description of the elastic problem for infinite, semi-infinite, and layered media is pretty good. He has good figures and describes physically what is going on. He uses the approach of substituting in a plane wave and looking at the resulting dispersion relation. I find this more intuitive than other approaches taken in elasticity or seismology.
The book has isolated typos, figure glitches, and inconsistent notation, but overall it is rewarding to work through the examples and exercises.
Whenever I have a question about core acoustical problems or find a reference to give to colleagues or students, it is Graff's old but great "Wave Motion in Elastic Solids" I end up using or recommending by far the most. This book is a rare treat for it's clarity, the material it covers and the derivation it contains. The book does things right in terms presentation. It does not leave important core derivations as exercise but presents them fully throughout the book. While exercises are present they are not needed to find material but do illustrate important concepts. The mathematical language is that of engineering mathematics that is still mostly typical today. My only critique is that alternative and more modern ways to arrive at certain derivations are missing (for example deriving the fundamental solution of the wave equation in the plane using distributions rather than through Hankel transforms or a treatment of the method of descend to relate wave equations of different dimensions). But this is a minor critique because the book at least contains comprehensive treatment of the Hankel transform path, while it is hard to find it in many other acoustics books of comparable level. In general a lot of concepts are derived and explained in unusual clarity and misconceptions about the applicability of certain methods beyond its realm is often not only avoided but also explained.
To cover the missing ground of treatment of the wave equation in terms of distributions and a nice and easy treatment of the method of descend I'd recommend Stein and Shakarchi's recent, very accessible and overall just excellent "Fourier Analysis", Princeton University Press, 2003.
Anybody that looks for a quality reference for acoustics, this is a real catch and if one wants to buy just one reference, this may well be the best one to get despite its age. Given its clarity it certainly is suitable for self-study.
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