《新实用汉语课本2(英文注释)(第2版)课本》内容简介:New Practical Chinese Reader is a new series of textb
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新实用汉语课本2(英文注释)(第2版)课本(附MP3光盘1张) |
新实用汉语课本2(英文注释)(第2版)课本(附MP3光盘1张) |
《新实用汉语课本2(英文注释)(第2版)课本》内容简介:New Practical Chinese Reader is a new series of textbooks designed for native English speakers to learnChinese. It consists of 70 lessons in six volumes, covering beginning to intermediate levels for threeyears of instruction. It has been compiled under the guidance of the new HSK Guideline and inconsultation with NOTCFL Syllabus. The objective of this series is to develop the student's ability tocommunicate in Chinese through the study of language structure, language function, and relatedcultural knowledge along with the training of listening, speaking, reading and writing skills.
教材是好教材,但希望卖家在邮寄时,打箱子时要打好一些。 这次我一次性买了15套,但卖家用了一个好大的箱子,(书在箱子里都跑上步了)书在箱子里乱七八糟,书相都破了。箱子大,放一些报纸什么的填充一下,这样书在邮寄时不会乱跑了。
就是自己想要的书 不错