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Accelerate: Building Strategic Agility for a Faster-Moving World | |||
Accelerate: Building Strategic Agility for a Faster-Moving World |
A Top Shelf Best Business Book pick of the Year: Strategy” strategy+business magazine
One of the Best Leadership Books of the Year” Inc.
网友对Accelerate: Building Strategic Agility for a Faster-Moving World的评论
The book is a well-argued case for the need for strategic agility in times of business turbulence. It has also an interesting concept of a 'dual operating system', namely an agile network-type of organizational structure working in concert with the traditional corporate hierarchy.
There are three reasons for my significant disappointment when I read the book: First, there is little new in this book, relative to what he has previously been saying, for example in 'Leading change', and relative to the thinking of other authors writing about related subjects. For example: the so-called 8 accelerators in 'Accelerate' are more or less exact copies of the 8 stages in major change, as postulated in his previous book 'Leading change'.
Second, I understand the whole concept of dual operating system to be in additional to the corporate hierarchy and not instead of the traditional corporate hierarchy. Then it would inevitably add complexity and gravity to an organization, which seems contrary to simplicity, agility, and flexibility. Would it not be better to build simplicity, agility and flexibility directly into the corporate hierarchy?
Third, the big thesis in this book is that this dual operating system is something different from traditional change projects, task forces, and strategic initiatives. That difference was not clear to me, rather the opposite, if one looks at for example the figure on p. 152.
That said, the book is clearly a must read for those belonging to his large group of dedicated followers. It is also an interesting entry point to Kotter's thinking for those having had limited previous exposure to it, though for those I would rather recommend for example his book 'Leading change'.
The most important conclusion of the book is that we live in an extremely turbulent environment and the old ways of managing a company are no longer completely relevant. The invention of "management" really worked well in the previous century, but now the old ways of doing things are failings us, because the environment is extremely different, we have to deal with more changes at faster rates. How we can create a new system in the organization to drive success is explained in details in the book and it is accompanied by case studies and examples.
I would recommend this book to anybody who is interested in the last, most up to date trend about creating agile companies which succeed in our new context of realities today.
When you read this book, you will understand why so many companies today fail to execute their strategies. You will understand that actually what you know about strategy management as a process of strategy formulation and implementation is no longer relevant. These processes are rather a loop, they are interdependent. Kotter's accelerators framework is a breakthrough into what the new strategy management practices should be in the new millennium. Kotter gives examples with companies which are already doing in practice what he describes in his book. That is why his book is like a great piece of advice for anybody else who wants to implement the same in their company.
Questo libro, pubblicato a febbraio 2014, nasce da un articolo che John Kotter ha scritto nel novembre 2012 su HBR.
L'idea di base è questa: pur essendo ottimizzati per l'operatività quotidiana, le gerarchie e i processi tradizionali - che nel loro insieme formano
il "sistema operativo" di un'azienda - non sono in grado di rispondere alle sfide attuali della complessità e del cambiamento.
La soluzione è un secondo sistema operativo, dedicato alla progettazione e all'implementazione della strategia, che utilizza una struttura agile di tipo reticolare e dei processi completamente diversi.
Il nuovo sistema operativo aggiunge agilità e velocità e integra la gerarchia tradizionale, più che sovrapporsi a essa, mettendola così in condizione di fare ciò per cui è ottimizzata: garantire affidabilità ed efficienza.
Gerarchia e network diventano così due sistemi che formano un'unica organizzazione integrata.
Il secondo sistema operativo si basa sull'uso di volontari (che mantengono la loro attività nel sistema operativo gerarchico) e di 8 acceleratori (1. senso di urgenza, 2. coalizione di governo. 3. visione e iniziative di cambiamento, 4. comunicazione, 5. superamento delle barriere, 6. celebrazione dei successi, 7. non mollare mai la presa, 8. Istituzionalizzare il cambiamento).
Accelerate è un lavoro di grande interesse, che usa una metafora potente e ispirativa.
Circa la possibilità di far funzionare efficacemente efficacemente questo approccio sorgono tuttavia molte domande (la maggior parte delle quali brillantemente esposte come FAQ verso la fine del libro)
I punti chiave a mio giudizio sono due:
il mandato per avviare un processo di innovazione di questo tipo.
l'integrazione fra i due sistemi operativi che rappresenta sicuramente la componente più critica (che ha talvolta compromesso il risultato di iniziative simili).
Come ha scritto Federico Butera commentando l'edizione italiana dell'articolo, "La segregazione spesso non impedisce l'invenzione ma uccide l'innovazione". Credo che su questo ci sia bisogno di ulteriori affinamenti e approfondimenti del modello.
Alcuni elementi, che non tolgono nulla al valore dell'opera, ma stonano un pò:
mancano completamente le note bibliografiche
Kotter oltre che essere stato per quasi 30 anni un celebre docente di Harvard oggi fa il consulente e questo si nota: non ci sono materiali aggiuntivi scaricabili dal sito tranne uno: " Accelerate Discussion Guide" che viene venduto a 15$ .
I like the attempt to integrate what works in Agile philosophy into a business strategy function. I think the problems identified are right.
I wish there was less insistence that it can work, citing unfamiliar or anonymous anecdotes. It feels a bit like "it should be able to work, if you do it right." Also a bit like "get people excited enough about a clear objective and get out of their way, and they will do amazing things." Yeah, okay. But I feel there's a lot more devilish details in a theory that hasn't matured.
A good start and interesting read, but I'm disappointed I wasn't more convinced.
I'm a big fan of Kotter's academic work and I have referred to his articles often but this book really didn't have the wow factor or the ground breaking concepts. Maybe I should have put it down and started over. What I plan on doing is rereading it in about a year and seeing if I find new value. In summary, read his other work.. It's phenomenal.
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