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Learning Three.js – the JavaScript 3D Library for WebGL - Second Edition

Create stunning 3D graphics in your browser using the Three.js JavaScript libraryAbout This BookEnha
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Learning Three.js – the JavaScript 3D Library for WebGL - Second Edition 去商家看看

Learning Three.js – the JavaScript 3D Library for WebGL - Second Edition

Create stunning 3D graphics in your browser using the Three.js JavaScript library

About This BookEnhance your 3D graphics with light sources, shadows, advanced materials, and texturesLoad models from external sources, and visualize and animate them directly from JavaScriptEach subject is explained using extensive examples that you can use directly and adapt for your own purposes

Who This Book Is For

If you know JavaScript and want to start creating 3D graphics that run in any browser, this book is a great choice for you. You don't need to know anything about math or WebGL; all that you need is general knowledge of JavaScript and HTML.

What You Will LearnUse the different geometries that are provided by Three.jsApply realistic lighting and shadows to the 3D objects you have createdUse the different camera controls provided by Three.js to effortlessly navigate around your 3D sceneMake use of advanced textures on materials to create realistic-looking 3D objects by using bump maps, normal maps, specular maps, and light mapsImport and animate models from external formats, such as OBJ, STL, Collada, and many moreCreate and run animations using morph targets and bone animationsExplore the Physijs JavaScript library to apply physics to your 3D objectsInteract directly with WebGL by creating custom vertex and fragment shaders

In Detail

Modern browsers support WebGL, which makes it possible to create 3D graphics in a browser without having to use plugins such as Flash and Java. Programming WebGL, however, is difficult, complex, and very difficult to debug. With Three.js, it is possible to create stunning 3D graphics in an intuitive manner using JavaScript, without the need to know the details of WebGL.

Learning Three.js – the JavaScript 3D Library for WebGL, Second Edition, is a practical, example-rich book that will help you learn about all the features of Three.js. This book will show you how to create or load models from externally created models and realistic-looking 3D objects using materials and textures. You'll also learn how to use the HTML5 video and canvas elements as a material for your 3D objects, different ways of animating your models, skeleton-based animation, and how to add physics such as gravity and collision detection to your scene. By the end of the book, you'll know everything that is required to create 3D animated graphics that run in any browser using Three.js.

网友对Learning Three.js – the JavaScript 3D Library for WebGL - Second Edition的评论

The Three.js library is large and complex and seems to change rapidly. It's a tough subject to tackle with a beginner book and still cover all the bases. On top of that if you're not familiar with 3D programming or basic JavaScript the task will be that much more difficult for the reader. This book does a decent job helping a newbie get some things done with Three.JS. I usually have to buy two or three books at once when I start out learning a new technology, finding each one covers the gaps left by the other two. Getting this one and the other Three.js Cookbook (same publisher, Packt) should put the aspiring learner in good shape. The code examples are pretty good. I did find the organization of the topics could have been better, I had to jump around a lot, going back to earlier sections when they made better sense. That could have just been me, however, and again this a complicated topic so no easy task for the author and team to make it all work. Overall, it's a solid book I recommend.


Learning Three.js is by far one of the most advanced and up to date books you can find out there that explains step by step the uses of the three.js library. Whether you're a front end developer working on designing a better experience for your clients through animations, or a data scientist looking to show graphs that highlight your findings in a more professional and creative way, you can be sure this is the book for you. The book at first seems very fast paced and hand on, however the author goes more in depth in the upcoming chapters and wraps up with an actual real life project. If you want to try out three.js and want to know what all the fuss is about, I highly recommend this book.

Learning Three.js - the JavaScript 3D Library for WebGL, second edition is a good introduction to creating web-based 3D applications using the three.js library. The book assumes basic programming knowledge and some experience with using other CAD or 3D scene composition software, but nothing conceptually complex. While it is possible to just "jump in" sans book using the example code at threejs.org, the author takes the reader through the details needed to get started from ground zero. Rather than just assume everyone uses Chrome on a desktop, the author first shows how to do the basic but vital task of enabling WebGL on some of the older (but not uncommon) browsers. This seemingly trivial task had eluded me the better part of an afternoon with an older version of Firefox and of Safari; his instructions made the task as easy as it should have been.

The examples (with downloadable source code) presented in chapters 1-3 follow a logical progression, starting with wireframe rendering of a sphere and cube, then gradually adding more effects and capabilities. This logical evolution (with working example code) made it much easier for me to pick up the basics of three.js application design than just studying the (albeit wonderful) examples at threejs.org. (Although once I had a better handle on how to use three.js, I found studying the threejs.org examples extremely helpful too.)

Chapter 4 introduces custom materials with different surface characteristics, and Chapter 5 gives examples of predefined geometries (obviating the need for creating large detailed triangle mesh models if a pre-defined geometry can suffice). Chapter 6 extends the CAD model further with 2D extrusions and 3D text. Later chapters touch on more complicated topics, including creating custom textures and shaders, smooth camera motion, adding physical constraints, and importing models created in other 3D systems.

This is not a reference manual as much as a well-narrated tour guide to accelerate learning and understanding of WebGL in the context of three.js. I purchased the eBook as much for the working demo code and examples as I did for the expository prose, and feel it was good value for the money.

I am going to have to agree, (5) stars! I bought the book two days ago a just finished it tonight. Kind of in a rush, but I was looking for something specific. Blew through the many examples in about 20 hours and could not put it down. I cannot believe how much the Three.js API has matured in the last couple of years. This book shows you things that were only possible in production environments like Unity.
Now I'm going back through it with the Java Script programmer's view in mind, but from what I've seen in the example source this API will become a standard part of anything and everything that runs 3D environments in web browsers for years to come. With very little exception, all of the demo code worked and each example was thoroughly explained in the chapter text.

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