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Guinness World Records 2014 吉尼斯世界纪录大全

出版日期: 2013Guinness World Records 2014 brings together thousands of the planets most awe-inspiri
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Guinness World Records 2014 吉尼斯世界纪录大全 去商家看看
Guinness World Records 2014 吉尼斯世界纪录大全 去商家看看

Guinness World Records 2014 吉尼斯世界纪录大全

出版日期: 2013

Guinness World Records 2014 brings together thousands of the planet's most awe-inspiring people, pets and products, including new record-holders such as a skateboarding goat, a 15-metre-long robot dragon, the world's furriest cat and a king-size drumkit that needs five people to play it! Packed to bursting with new and updated achievements, Guinness World Records 2014 features an all-new design and more images than we've ever had before - including over 100 all-new original photographs you won't find anywhere else. New topics this year include Superheroes, Venom, and Social Networking, and feature chapters on the Circus and Dynamic Earth round off our most exciting and explosive edition yet. And finally, jumping off the page this year are even more Officially Amazing Augmented Reality features. Just download the free app to your phone or tablet device and look for the "See-It-3D" icons scattered throughout the book.

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