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英美电影流派艺术概论(英文版) |
英美电影流派艺术概论(英文版) |
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媒体推荐 Foreword
This "one of a kind" Treatise entitled Introduction to English Films and Their Artistic Features brings to the forefront a realiza-tion that Professor Cai Shengqin started developing near the begin-ning of his career as an instructor in the Chinese University System.He takes you through a methodical discussion of the facts and princi-ples surrounding the need to understand the culture of the people
whose language a student is attempting to master. He very aptly demonstrates his reasoning and conclusions.
Professor Cai's approach to utilizing "The Genres and Artistic Features of English Films lets one see he is keenly intelligent and re-sponsive to the needs of his students.
During the course of and upon completion of studies at Queens-land University, Queensland, Australia where he was awarded the Master's Degree in Applied Linguistics he had begun slow and care-ful reasoning upon forming an opinion as to the value of English film in helping the Chinese students integrate the culture of the English language along with the intonation as demonstrated in the films in the speaking process.
He makes it very clear that the English films are a part of our linguistic environment. His assertion that strong connections can be made between the language arts and the media arts, between com-posing and film making, between literature and narrative film, and between reader response and viewer response, can not be disputed. Professor Cai considers film making an art, and compares it to other forms of art, tracing its technology and chronology, identifying ma- jor trends and variations.
He plainly demonstrates that genres and artistic features of English films have its place in the English culture and the private lives of the English speaker. During his 17 years as a teacher of English and his position at Yangtze University he has and continues to strongly advocate in the classroom and out, the necessity for Eng-lish students to understand the advantage of viewing & studying
English films.
The Professor, in his book is equipping the students and Eng-lish teachers to form a mental image of the films from his descrip-tions and see the tremendous influence films have contributed towhat understanding the foreign student has of the English culture.Now that I have read Cai Shengqin's book I most strongly recom-mend it for teachers of English in China. My urgent message is that all serious students majoring in English must have this book andknow it from cover to cover.
I am currently the senior foreign English' professor at Yangtze University and available Oral English Faculty for Jingzhou Municipal Teaching and Research Institute. The merits of Professor Cai's book are self-evident. It indeed yields knowledge and understanding. I consider it an honor to have been afforded the opportunity to inter-view the author and review his book.
Chapter One Languages and Cultures from Film
2.Languages and Cultures Reflected form Film
3.Teh First Arts
4.The Important Affection of Movie in Daily Life
5.History of Motion Pictures
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