Applied Mathematics Reviews
基本信息·出版社:World Scientific Publishing Company ·页码:624 页 ·出版日期:2000年06月 ·ISBN:9810243391 ·International Standard Book Nu ...
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Applied Mathematics Reviews |
Applied Mathematics Reviews |

基本信息·出版社:World Scientific Publishing Company
·页码:624 页
·International Standard Book Number:9810243391
内容简介 Contents include convergence of generalized singular integrals to the unit, linear integral operators with homogeneous kernel, copositive polynomial approximation revisited, neuro-fuzzy adaptive control, sampling theory and function space, evaluating statistical functionals by means of projections, and much more.
目录 Two contemporary computational concepts in numerical analysis, I.K. Argyros; on the simultaneous approximation of functions and their derivatives, T. Kilgore; copositive polynomial approximation revisited, Y.K. Hu and M. Yu; sampling theory and function spaces, H-J. Schmeisser and W. Sickel; evaluating statistical functionals by means of projections onto convex cones in Hilbert spaces - Part I and II, T. Rychlik; extrapolation - from calculation of pie to finite element method of partial differential equations, X-P. Shen; a survey on scaling function interpolation and approximation, E-B. Lin. (Part contents)