Biostatistics for the Biological and Health Sciences
基本信息·出版社:Pearson Education (US) ·页码:672 页 ·出版日期:2008年01月 ·ISBN:0321546490 ·International Standard Book Number:0321546 ...
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Biostatistics for the Biological and Health Sciences |
Biostatistics for the Biological and Health Sciences |

基本信息·出版社:Pearson Education (US)
·页码:672 页
·International Standard Book Number:0321546490
·版本:International edition
内容简介 Biostatistics for the Biological and Health Sciences is the result of collaboration between the author of the #1 statistics book in the country and an expert in the biological sciences field. The major objective of this book is to provide the best possible introduction to statistics for students and professors in the biological, life, and health sciences. This goal is realized through a friendly writing style, content that reflects the important features of a modern introductory statistics course, an abundance of real data and biological applications, and a variety of pedagogical components to help students succeed in their study of biological statistics.
目录 1 Introduction to Statistics 1-1 Overview 1-2 Types of Data 1-3 Design of Experiments 2 Describing, Exploring, and Comparing Data 2-1 Overview 2-2 Frequency Distributions 2-3 Visualizing Data 2-4 Measures of Center 2-5 Measures of Variation 2-6 Measures of Relative Standing 2-7 Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA) 3 Probability 3-1 Overview 3-2 Fundamentals 3-3 Addition Rule 3-4 Multiplication Rule: Basics 3-5 Multiplication Rule: Conditional Probability 3-6 Relative Risk and Odds Ratio 3-7 Rates of Mortality, Fertility, and Morbidity 3-8 Counting Methods 4 Discrete Probability Distributions 4-1 Overview 4-2 Random Variables 4-3 Binomial Probability Distributions 4-4 Mean, Variance, and Standard Deviation for the Binomial Distribution 4-5 The Poisson Distribution 5 Normal Probability Distributions 5-1 Overview 5-2 The Standard Normal Distribution 5-3 Applications of Normal Distributions 5-4 Sampling Distributions and Estimators 5-5 The Central Limit Theorem 5-6 Normal Approximation to Binomial 5-7 Assessing Normality 6 Estimates and Sample Sizes with One Sample 6-1 Overview 6-2 Estimating a Population Proportion 6-3 Estimating a Population Mean: s Known 6-4 Estimating a Population Mean: s Not Known 6-5 Estimating a Population Variance 7 Hypothesis Testing with One Sample 7-1 Overview 7-2 Basics of Hypothesis Testing 7-3 Testing a Claim about a Proportion 7-4 Testing a Claim about a Mean: s Known 7-5 Testing a Claim about a Mean: s Not Known 7-6 Testing a Claim about Variation 8 Inferences from Two Samples 8-1 Overview 8-2 Two Proportions 8-3 Two Means: Independent Samples 8-4 Two Means: Matched Pairs 8-5 Odds Ratios 8-6 Variation in Two Samples 9 Correlation and Regression 9-1 Overview 9-2 Correlation 9-3 Regression 9-4 Variation and Prediction Intervals 9-5 Multiple Regression 10 Multinomial Experiments and Contingency Tables 10-1 Overview 10-2 Multinomial Experiments: Goodness-0f-Fit 10-3 Contingency Tables: Independence and Homogeneity 10-4 McNemar's Test for Matched Pairs 11 Analysis of Variance 11-1 Overview 11-2 One-Way ANOVA 11-3 Two-Way ANOVA 12 Nonparametric Statistics 12-1 Overview 12-2 Sign Test 12-3 Wilcoxon Signed-Ranks Test for Matched Pairs 12-4 Wilcoxon Rank-Sum Test for Two Independent Samples 12-5 Kruskal-Wallis Test 12-6 Rank Correlation 13 Life Tables 13-1 Overview 13-2 Elements of a Life Table 13-3 Applications of Life Tables Appendix A: Tables Appendix B: Data Sets Appendix C: Answers to Odd-Numbered Exercises