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there once was a princess who lived in a palace an


there once was a princess who lived in a palace and had all kinds of pearls, agates and other gems. being an only daughter, she was pampered by the king and queen, and was never in need of anything.


one day, as she was watching the rain from her balcony, the raindrops hit the surface of the nearby lake, creating myriads of bubbles that glittered in beautiful colors when illuminated by the sunbeams. enchanted by this spectacle, the princess said to the king, "i want a necklace made of these bubbles!" "that cannot be! if you want pearls, i can get you bigger ones. all right?" said the king. "no! no!" exclaimed the princess. "if you will settle for diamonds, i can also give you plenty," said the king. but the princess refused to be compromised.

有一天,她在楼上看到外面下雨,雨下在湖面上时,激起很多泡泡出来,泡泡冒出来的时候,又正好有一点太阳光照射过来,当阳光照在湖面上,有很多漂亮的颜色在闪闪发亮,公主看到以后就跟国王说:「我要那些泡泡当项链!」国王说:「不行, 要珍珠的话,我有更大的可以给 ,好不好?」公主说:「不要!不要!」国王又说:「如果 要钻石我也可以送 很多!」可是公主就是不答应。

you know there´s no way you can coax such spoiled children, and being at a complete loss, the king summoned his officials, but no one could offer a solution. no one knew how to satisfy the princess´s adamant demand for the bubbles. she then cried loudly and made a big fuss, refusing to eat or drink. very soon, she became emaciated and fell ill. everyone was at their wits´ end. not even the best doctor in the country could cure her. as a last resort, the king issued a public decree, stating, "whoever can cure the princess will receive half of his majesty´s kingdom."


then one day, an old man came forward with a solutio

心愿 程思芬 1900字

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