id grade type
1 0 菜鸟
2 200 老鸟
3 400 进阶
c_id values
1 158
2 203
3 401
4 307
c_id type
1 菜鸟
2 老鸟
3 进阶
4 老鸟
select c_id, (select type from (select grade, lead(grade,1) over(order by grade) next_grade, type from t1) where t2.values between grade and nvl(next_grade,1000))from t2;
with t1 as(select 1 id,0 grade,'菜鸟' type from dual
union all select 2,200,'老鸟' from dual
union all select 3,400,'进阶' from dual)
,t2 as(select 1 c_id,158 "values" from dual
union all select 2,203 from dual
union all select 3,401 from dual
union all select 4,307 from dual
union all select 5,200 from dual)
select b.*,a.type from t1 a,t2 b
where b."values">=a.grade
and not exists(select 1 from t1
where b."values">=grade
and grade>a.grade)
order by 1
11:26:35 scott@TUNGKONG> select * from tb1; ID GRADE TYPE---------- ---------- ---------- 1 0 菜鸟 2 200 老鸟 3 400 进阶已用时间: 00: 00: 00.0011:26:43 scott@TUNGKONG> select * from tb2; C_ID VALUE---------- ---------- 1 158 2 203 3 401 4 307 5 200已用时间: 00: 00: 00.0011:26:46 scott@TUNGKONG> select distinct c_id,first_value(type) over(partition by c_id order by grade desc)11:26:48 2 from (select c_id,type,grade from tb1,tb2 where value >= grade)11:26:48 3 order by 1; C_ID FIRST_VALU---------- ---------- 1 菜鸟 2 老鸟 3 进阶 4 老鸟 5 老鸟已用时间: 00: 00: 00.03