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sql语句查询等级:表1 idgrade type 10菜鸟 2200老鸟 3400进阶 表二 c_idvalues 1158 2203 3401 4307 结果 c


id  grade type
1  0  菜鸟
2  200  老鸟
3  400  进阶

c_id  values
1  158
2  203
3  401
4  307


c_id  type
1  菜鸟
2  老鸟
3  进阶
4  老鸟


SQL code
select c_id, (select type from                (select grade, lead(grade,1) over(order by grade) next_grade, type from t1)              where t2.values between grade and nvl(next_grade,1000))from t2;
with t1 as(select 1 id,0 grade,'菜鸟' type from dual
union all select 2,200,'老鸟' from dual
union all select 3,400,'进阶' from dual)
,t2 as(select 1 c_id,158 "values" from dual
union all select 2,203 from dual
union all select 3,401 from dual
union all select 4,307 from dual
union all select 5,200 from dual)

select b.*,a.type from t1 a,t2 b
where b."values">=a.grade
and not exists(select 1 from t1
where b."values">=grade
and grade>a.grade)
order by 1
SQL code
11:26:35 scott@TUNGKONG> select * from tb1;        ID      GRADE TYPE---------- ---------- ----------         1          0 菜鸟         2        200 老鸟         3        400 进阶已用时间:  00: 00: 00.0011:26:43 scott@TUNGKONG> select * from tb2;      C_ID      VALUE---------- ----------         1        158         2        203         3        401         4        307         5        200已用时间:  00: 00: 00.0011:26:46 scott@TUNGKONG> select distinct c_id,first_value(type) over(partition by c_id order by grade desc)11:26:48   2  from (select c_id,type,grade from tb1,tb2 where value >= grade)11:26:48   3  order by 1;      C_ID FIRST_VALU---------- ----------         1 菜鸟         2 老鸟         3 进阶         4 老鸟         5 老鸟已用时间:  00: 00: 00.03

