14.4 配置ActiveMQ日志
14.4 Configuring ActiveMQ logging
14.4 配置ActiveMQ日志
So far we’ve seen how you can monitor ActiveMQ either programmatically or using
tools such as JConsole. But there’s one more way you can peek at the broker status,
and that’s through its internal logging mechanism. When you experience problems
with the broker’s behavior, the first and most common place to begin looking for a
potential cause of the problem is the data/activemq.log file. In this section you’ll
learn how you can adjust the logging to suit your needs and how it can help you in
detecting potential broker problems.
In this section we’ll see how we can adapt ActiveMQ logging for brokers and clients.
We’ll also introduce a logging interceptor that can be used to track messages between
brokers and clients. Let’s start with the broker-related logging discussion.
14.4.1 Broker logging
14..4.1 代理日志
ActiveMQ ?uses ?the ?Apache Commons ?Logging ?API ?(http://mng.bz/xdQM) for ?its
internal logging purposes. ?So if you ?embed ActiveMQ in ?your Java application,
it’ll fit whatever ?logging mechanisms you ?already use. The ?standalone binary
distribution of ActiveMQ uses ?Apache Log4J (http://mng.bz/940F) library ?as its
logging ?facility. ?The ?ActiveMQ ?logging configuration ?can ?be ?found ?in the
conf/log4j.properties file. By default, it ?defines two log appenders: one ?that
prints to ?standard output, ?and another ?that prints ?to the ?data/activemq.log
file. The following listing shows the standard Log4J logger configuration.
ActiveMQ使用Apache Commons ?Logging ?API ?(http://mng.bz/xdQM)作为其内部日志工具.
Listing 14.12 Default logger configuration
log4j.rootLogger=INFO, stdout, out
As you can see in listing 14.12, by default ActiveMQ will only print messages with a log
level of INFO or above, which should be enough for you to monitor its usual behavior.
In case you detect a problem with your application and want to enable more detailed
debugging, you should change the level for the root logger to DEBUG. Just be aware
that the DEBUG logging level will output considerably more logging information, so
you’ll probably want to narrow debug messages to a particular Java package. To do
this, you should leave the root logger at the INFO level and add a line that enables
debug logging for the desired class or package. For example, to enable trace-level
logging for the TCP transport, add the following configuration to the conf/
log4j.properties file:
时足够用了.在排查应用程序问题而需要更多调试细节信息时,你应该修改root logger的等级为DEBUG.
打印DEBUG信息,以便精简调试信息.我i次,你应当配置root logger的日志等级为INFO,并添加一行配置
After making this change in the conf/log4j.properties file and restarting ActiveMQ,
you’ll begin to see the following log output:
TRACE TcpTransport
- TCP consumer thread for tcp:/// starting
DEBUG TcpTransport
- Stopping transport tcp:///
TRACE TcpTransport
- TCP consumer thread for tcp:/// starting
DEBUG TcpTransport
- Stopping transport tcp:///
In ?addition ? to ?starting/stopping ? ActiveMQ ?after ? changing ?the ? logging
configuration, one common question is how to change the logging configuration at
runtime. This is a reasonable request, ?since you may not want to ?stop ActiveMQ
to change the logging configuration. ?Luckily, you can use the ?JMX capabilities
in ActiveMQ along with JConsole to achieve this. Just make the necessary changes
to the conf/log4j.properties file and ?save them. Then open JConsole ?and select
the ? Broker ? MBean ? as ? shown ? in ? figure ? 14.15. ? Locate ? the ? button
reloadLog4jProperties on the ?Broker MBean’s Operations ?tab. Click the ?button
named reloadLog4jProperties and the conf/log4j.properties file will be ?reloaded
and your changes will be applied. ?In addition to logging from the ?broker side,
logging is also available on the client side.
14.4.2 Client logging
14.4.2 客户端日志
Logging ?on ?the broker ?side ?is definitely ?necessary, ?but how ?do ?you debug
problems on the client side in your Java applications? The ActiveMQ Java ?client
APIs use the same logging approach as the broker, so you can use the same ?style
of Log4J configuration file in your client application as well. In this ?section
we’ll show you a few tips on how you can customize client-side logging and ?see
more ? information ?about ? what’s ?going ? on ?inside ? the ?client-to-broker
For starters, a Log4J ?configuration file must be ?made available to the ?client
-side application. The ?following listing shows ?an example Log4J ?configuration
file that will be used in this section.
Listing 14.13 Client logging
log4j.rootLogger=INFO, out, stdout
As you can see, the standard INFO level is being used for the root logger. Additional
configuration has been added (marked in bold) to monitor the failover transport and
TCP communication.
如你所示,root logger使用了标准的INFO等级.添加的额外的配置信息用于监控失效转移协议和
Now, let’s run our stock portfolio publisher example, but with some additional
properties that will allow us to use logging settings previously defined.
下面,让我们运行stock portfolio publisher,运行时需要一些额外属性,以便可以使用前面定义的
$ mvn exec:java \
src/main/resources/org/apache/activemq/book/ch14/log4j.properties \
-Dexec.mainClass=org.apache.activemq.book.ch14.advisory.Publisher \
-Dexec.args="failover:(tcp://localhost:61616?trace=true) CSCO ORCL"
mvn exec:java ^
src/main/resources/org/apache/activemq/book/ch14/log4j.properties ^
-Dexec.mainClass=org.apache.activemq.book.ch14.advisory.Publisher ^
-Dexec.args="failover:(tcp://localhost:61616?trace=true) CSCO ORCL"
The log4j.configuration system property is used to specify the location of the Log4J
configuration file. Also note that the trace parameter has been set to true via the
transport connection URI. Along with setting the TransportLogger level to DEBUG, this
will allow all the commands exchanged between the client and the broker to be easily
Let’s say an application is started while the broker is down. What will be seen in the
log output are messages like the following:
2009-03-19 15:47:56,699 [ublisher.main()] DEBUG FailoverTransport
- Reconnect was triggered but transport is not started yet.
Wait for start to connect the transport.
2009-03-19 15:47:56,829 [ublisher.main()] DEBUG FailoverTransport
- Started.
2009-03-19 15:47:56,829 [ublisher.main()] DEBUG FailoverTransport
- Waking up reconnect task
2009-03-19 15:47:56,830 [ActiveMQ Task ] DEBUG FailoverTransport
- Attempting connect to: tcp://localhost:61616?trace=true
2009-03-19 15:47:56,903 [ActiveMQ Task ] DEBUG FailoverTransport
- Connect fail to: tcp://localhost:61616?trace=true, reason:
java.net.ConnectException: Connection refused
2009-03-19 15:47:56,903 [ActiveMQ Task ] DEBUG FailoverTransport
- Waiting 10 ms before attempting connection.
2009-03-19 15:47:56,913 [ActiveMQ Task ] DEBUG FailoverTransport
- Attempting connect to: tcp://localhost:61616?trace=true
2009-03-19 15:47:56,914 [ActiveMQ Task ] DEBUG FailoverTransport
- Connect fail to: tcp://localhost:61616?trace=true, reason:
java.net.ConnectException: Connection refused
2009-03-19 15:47:56,915 [ActiveMQ Task ] DEBUG FailoverTransport
- Waiting 20 ms before attempting connection.
2009-03-19 15:47:56,935 [ActiveMQ Task ] DEBUG FailoverTransport
- Attempting connect to: tcp://localhost:61616?trace=true
2009-03-19 15:47:56,937 [ActiveMQ Task ] DEBUG FailoverTransport
- Connect fail to: tcp://localhost:61616?trace=true, reason:
java.net.ConnectException: Connection refused
2009-03-19 15:47:56,938 [ActiveMQ Task ] DEBUG FailoverTransport
- Waiting 40 ms before attempting connection.
With debug level logging enabled, the failover transport provides a detailed log
of its attempts to establish a connection with the broker. This can be extremely
helpful in ?situations where ?you experience ?connection problems ?from a client
Once a connection with the broker ?is established, the TCP transport will ?start
tracing all commands exchanged ?with the broker to ?the log. An example ?of such
traces is shown next:
2009-03-19 15:48:02,038 [ActiveMQ Task ] DEBUG FailoverTransport
- Waiting 5120 ms before attempting connection.
2009-03-19 15:48:07,158 [ActiveMQ Task ] DEBUG FailoverTransport
- Attempting connect to: tcp://localhost:61616?trace=true
2009-03-19 15:48:07,162 [ActiveMQ Task ] DEBUG Connection:11
- SENDING: WireFormatInfo {...}
2009-03-19 15:48:07,183 [] DEBUG Connection:11
- RECEIVED: WireFormatInfo { ... }
2009-03-19 15:48:07,186 [ActiveMQ Task ] DEBUG Connection:11
- SENDING: ConnectionControl { ... }
2009-03-19 15:48:07,186 [ActiveMQ Task ] DEBUG FailoverTransport
- Connection established
2009-03-19 15:48:07,187 [ActiveMQ Task ] INFO FailoverTransport
- Successfully connected to tcp://localhost:61616?trace=true
2009-03-19 15:48:07,187 [] DEBUG Connection:11
- RECEIVED: BrokerInfo { ... }
2009-03-19 15:48:07,189 [ublisher.main()] DEBUG Connection:11
- SENDING: ConnectionInfo { ... }
2009-03-19 15:48:07,190 [] DEBUG Connection:11
- RECEIVED: Response {commandId = 0, responseRequired = false,
correlationId = 1}
2009-03-19 15:48:07,203 [ublisher.main()] DEBUG Connection:11
- SENDING: ConsumerInfo { ... }
2009-03-19 15:48:07,206 [] DEBUG Connection:11
- RECEIVED: Response { ... }
2009-03-19 15:48:07,232 [ublisher.main()] DEBUG Connection:11
- SENDING: SessionInfo { ... }
2009-03-19 15:48:07,239 [ublisher.main()] DEBUG Connection:11
- SENDING: ProducerInfo { ... }
Sending: {offer=51.726420585933745, price=51.67474584009366,
up=false, stock=CSCO}
on destination: topic://STOCKS.CSCO
2009-03-19 15:48:07,266 [ublisher.main()] DEBUG Connection:11
- SENDING: ActiveMQMapMessage { ... }
2009-03-19 15:48:07,294 [] DEBUG Connection:11
- RECEIVED: Response { ... }
Sending: {offer=94.03931872048393, price=93.94537334713681,
up=false, stock=ORCL}
on destination: topic://STOCKS.ORCL
For the purpose of readability, some details of specific commands have been left
out except for ?one log message, ?which is marked ?bold. These traces ?provide a
full ?peek ?into ?the ?client-broker communication, ?which ?can ?help ?to narrow
application connection problems further.
This simple example shows that with a few minor configuration changes, many more
logging details can be viewed. But beyond standard Log4J-style logging, ActiveMQ
also provides a special logger for internal broker events.
14.4.3 Internal broker event logging
14.4.3 代理内部事件日志
The previous sections demonstrated how the ?broker side and the client side ?can
be monitored through the use of standard Log4J logging. Similar functionality is
available on ?the broker ?side for ?internal broker ?operations using ?a logging
interceptor (aka logging plug-in). ActiveMQ plug-ins were introduced in ?chapter
6 where you ?saw how they ?can be used ?to authenticate client ?applications and
authorize access to broker resources. The logging interceptor is a simple broker
plug-in that uses the broker’s internal event mechanism to log internal ?broker
events. ?The ?types ?of ?events ?that ?are ?logged ?can ?be ?controlled ?via the
configuration of the logging plug-in using the properties shown in table 14.2.
日志拦截器(aka logging plug-in)监控代理的内部操作.第6章中介绍过使用ActiveMQ的插件机制
The logging plug-in is useful for seeing more information about the broker’s internal
events. This can be useful for debugging purposes during development as well as
for informational purposes during production deployment. It provides more finite
logging for particular event types and allows you to see more information about what
the broker’s doing.
To install this plug-in, add the <loggingBrokerPlugin/> element to the list of your
plug-ins in the conf/activemq.xml configuration file. Here’s an example of this:
After restarting the broker, you’ll see output indicating that the logging plug-in has
been activated. After table 14.2 we see an example of such output during the broker
Table 14.2 Logging plug-in properties
表14.2 日志插件属性
Property name Default value Description
logAll false Log all events
logAll false 为所有事件记录日志
logMessageEvents false Log only events related to producing, consuming,
and dispatching messages
logMessageEvents false 只为消息生产,消费和分发事件记录日志
logConnectionEvents true Log only events related to connections and sessions
logConnectionEvents true 只为连接和session相关的事件记录日志
logTransactionEvents false Log only events related to transaction handling
logTransactionEvents false 只为事务处理相关事件记录日志
logConsumerEvents false Log only events related to message consumption
logConsumerEvents false 只为消息处理相关事件记录日志
logProducerEvents false Log only events related to message production
logProducerEvents false 只为消息生产相关事件记录日志
logInternalEvents false Log only events related to internal broker operations
such as failover, querying internal objects, and so on
logInternalEvents false 只为代理内部操作比如,失效转移,查询内部对象等事件记录日志
Loading message broker from: xbean:activemq.xml
INFO | Created LoggingBrokerPlugin: LoggingBrokerPlugin(logAll=false,
logConnectionEvents=true, logConsumerEvents=false,
logProducerEvents=false, logMessageEvents=false,
logTransactionEvents=false, logInternalEvents=false)
Note that the logging plug-in is using the default configuration. Send some messages
to the broker, and you’ll see the following output from the broker:
INFO | Adding Connection :
INFO | Adding Session : SessionInfo {commandId = 3, responseRequired =
false, sessionId = ID:mongoose.local-58504-1278340965484-0:0:1}
INFO | Removing Session : SessionInfo {commandId = 0, responseRequired =
false, sessionId = ID:mongoose.local-58504-1278340965484-0:0:-1}
INFO | Removing Session : SessionInfo {commandId = 3, responseRequired =
false, sessionId = ID:mongoose.local-58504-1278340965484-0:0:1}
INFO | Removing Connection : ConnectionInfo {commandId = 1,
responseRequired = true, connectionId =
clientId = ID:mongoose.local-58504-1278340965484-1:0, userName = null,
password = *****, brokerPath = null, brokerMasterConnector = false,
manageable = true, clientMaster = true}
Note that the output indicates that ?a connection and session were added ?to the
broker (a connection and a session ?were created), and a connection and ?session
were removed from ?the broker (a ?connection and session ?were destroyed). These
are events that ?are logged from ?a producer connecting ?to the broker, ?sending
some ?messages, and ?disconnecting from ?the broker. ?If you ?want to ?see more
detailed information, then you need to enable the appropriate logging properties
as listed in table 14.2. Coupled with the other logging techniques, the ?logging
interceptor can ?help you ?to gain ?a much ?better perspective ?of the ?internal
broker activities while building message-oriented systems.