def func_a(arg):
??? ……
def func_b(arg):
??? …… # do something before
??? func_a(arg)
??? …… # do something after?
def func_c(arg):
??? …… # do something before
??? func_a(arg)
??? …… # do something after?
之所以他没有直接在func_b上修改而是新建了一个func_c是因为func_b中的do something对他来说比较重要,他担心他老板明天让他把逻辑又还原回func_b,所以聪明的他对func_b进行了备份不更改,而是新建了func_c,可是问题来了,他不得不ctrl+f查找所有文件中的func_b,然后替换成func_c,可怜的是,调用func_b的地方很多,他自觉蛋疼无比,不得不带着烦躁的心一个接一个的替换,下班前他终于修改好了,信心满满的提交修改后的代码,可是第二天,fuck,他发现程序运行出错,原因是有个func_b忘了替换
def func_decorate1(func): def check(arg): print 'Before the function execution, you can do thing here(func_decorate1)' func(arg) print 'After the function execution, you can do thing here(func_decorate1)' return checkdef func_decorate2(func): def check(arg): print 'Before the function execution, you can do thing here(func_decorate2)' func(arg) print 'After the function execution, you can do thing here(func_decorate2)' return check@func_decorate1 # here!!!!!!!def my_func(arg): print argmy_func('My function is being executed')
Before the function execution, you can do thing here(func_decorate1)
My function is being executed
After the function execution, you can do thing here(func_decorate1)
def func_decorate1(func): def check(arg): print 'Before the function execution, you can do thing here(func_decorate1)' func(arg) print 'After the function execution, you can do thing here(func_decorate1)' return check def func_decorate2(func): def check(arg): print 'Before the function execution, you can do thing here(func_decorate2)' func(arg) print 'After the function execution, you can do thing here(func_decorate2)' return check @func_decorate2 # here!!!!!!! def my_func(arg): print arg my_func('My function is being executed')
Before the function execution, you can do thing here(func_decorate2)
My function is being executed
After the function execution, you can do thing here(func_decorate2)