用什么方法可以代替ID IN
本帖最后由 Mapleleaf123 于 2013-12-30 18:51:59 编辑 表1
id uid idlist
1 10 3,5,7,9,12,30
id title
1 a
2 b
3 c
4 d
要取出uid=10的表2记录,现在是用select * from [表2] where id in (select idlist from [表1] where uid=10)
id uid idlist
1 10 5
2 10 7
3 10 3
create table 表1(id int,uid int,idlist varchar(30))
insert into 表1
select 1 , 10 ,'3,5,7,9,12,30'
create table 表2(id int, title varchar(20))
insert into 表2
select 1, 'a' union all
select 2, 'b' union all
select 3, 'c' union all
select 4, 'd'
if OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#temp') is not null
drop table #temp
select *,
SUBSTRING(t.idlist, number ,CHARINDEX(',',t.idlist+',',number)-number) as v
into #temp
from 表1 t,master..spt_values s
where s.number >=1
and s.type = 'P'
and SUBSTRING(','+t.idlist,s.number,1) = ','
and t.uid = 10
select * from [表2] a
where exists (select idlist from #temp b where a.id = b.v)
create table t1(id int,uid int,idlist varchar(100))
insert into t1
select 1,10,'3,5,7,9,12,30'
create table t2(id int,title varchar(100))
insert into t2
select 1 ,'a'
union all select 2 ,'b'
union all select 3 ,'c'
union all select 4 ,'d'
select t2.*
from t2,t1
where t1.uid=10
and CHARINDEX(','+convert(varchar(100),t2.id)+',',','+t1.idlist+',')>0
create table 表1
(id int,uid int,idlist varchar(50))
insert into 表1
select 1,10,'3,5,7,9,12,30'
create table 表2
(id int,title varchar(10))
insert into 表2
select 1,'a' union all
select 2,'b' union all
select 3,'c' union all
select 4,'d'
-- 在[表2].[id]列建索引.
create index ix_tab2_id on 表2(id)
-- 在[表1].[uid]列建索引.
create index ix_tab1_uid on 表1(uid)
-- 用动态SQL实现.
declare @tsql varchar(6000)
select @tsql=idlist
from 表1 where uid=10
select @tsql='select * from [表2] where id in ('+@tsql+')'
id title
----------- ----------
3 c
(1 row(s) affected)
select *
from [表2] as a where exists(select 1 from [表1] where uid=10 and ','+idlist+',' like '%,'+rtrim(a.id)+',%' )