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11.3 使用虚拟化加强JMS消息主题

11.3 使用虚拟化增强JMS消息主题11.3 Supercharge JMS topics by going virtual11.3 使用虚拟化增强JMS消

11.3 使用虚拟化增强JMS消息主题

11.3 Supercharge JMS topics by going virtual

11.3 使用虚拟化增强JMS消息主题


If you want to broadcast a message to multiple consumers, then you use a JMS topic. If

you want a pool of consumers to receive messages from a destination, then you use a

JMS queue. But there’s no satisfactory way to send a message to a topic and then have

multiple consumers receiving messages on that topic the way you can with queues.






The JMS spec requires that a durable subscriber to a topic use a unique JMS client ID

and subscriber name. Also, only one thread (a single consumer) can be active at any

time with that unique JMS client ID and subscriber name. This means that if that subscriber

dies for some reason, there will be no failover to another consumer and there’s

no ability to load balance messages across competing consumers. But using JMS queue

semantics allows the ability to fail over consumers, to load balance messages among

competing consumers, and to use ActiveMQ message groups (see chapter 12), which

allows sticky load balancing of messages to maintain message order. Furthermore, JMS

queue depths can be monitored via JMX (see chapter 14). Using virtual topics works

around these disadvantages while still retaining the benefits of JMS topics.


JMS规范要求持久化的主题订阅者使用唯一的JMS client ID和name属性.同样,同一时间只运行激活一个使用

该唯一的JMS client ID 和订阅者name的线程.(单一的消息消费者).这就是说,如果这个订阅者因为某种原因



传递,并且允许使用消息群组(见12章)以便用粘性负载均衡消息来维持消息额次序.此外, JMS队列深度可以

通过JMX进行监控(参见第14章) .使用虚拟消息主题可以保留使用JMS主题的好处同时绕过使用主题的缺点.


Virtual topics allow a publisher to send messages to a normal JMS topic while consumers

receive messages from a normal JMS queue. So consumers subscribe to a

queue to receive messages that were published to a topic. Figure 11.1 shows a diagram

of how virtual topics are structured in ActiveMQ.






Some naming conventions are required to allow virtual topics to operate correctly.

First, to identify that a topic is to be treated as a virtual topic, the topic name should

always follow the pattern of VirtualTopic.<topic name>. So if you want to create a virtual

topic for a topic whose name is orders, you need to create a destination with the name

VirtualTopic.orders. This means that a publisher sends messages to a topic named

VirtualTopic.orders. In order to consume from the queue that’s backed by the virtual

topic, consumers must subscribe to a queue whose name follows the pattern

Consumer.<consumer name>.VirtualTopic.<virtual topic name>.



需要符合下面的格式:VirtualTopic.<topic name>.因此,如果你打算创建一个名称为 orders的




Consumer.<consumer name>.VirtualTopic.<virtual topic name>


Suppose you want consumers to compete for messages on a queue, but you want

that queue to be backed by a topic. You’d create a two queue receivers, each consuming

from a queue named Consumer.Foo.VirtualTopic.orders. An example of this is shown next.






Listing 11.2 Using virtual topics

代码清单11.2 使用虚拟主题


String brokerURI = ActiveMQConnectionFactory.DEFAULT_BROKER_URL;

ConnectionFactory connectionFactory = new ActiveMQConnectionFactory(brokerURI);

Connection consumerConnection = connectionFactory.createConnection();



String queueName = "Consumer.Foo.VirtualTopic.orders";


// Create the first consumer for Consumer.Foo.VirtualTopic.orders

Session sessionA = consumerConnection.createSession(false,Session.AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE);

Queue fooQueueA = sessionA.createQueue(queueName);

MessageConsumer consumerA = sessionA.createConsumer(fooQueueA);



// Create the second consumer for Consumer.Foo.VirtualTopic.orders

Session sessionB = consumerConnection.createSession(false,Session.AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE);

Queue fooQueueB = sessionB.createQueue(queueName);

MessageConsumer consumerB = sessionB.createConsumer(fooQueueB);



// Create the sender

String topicName = "VirtualTopic.orders";

Connection senderConnection = connectionFactory.createConnection();


Session senderSession = senderConnection.createSession(false, Session.AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE);

Topic ordersDestination = senderSession.createTopic(topicName);

MessageProducer producer = senderSession.createProducer(ordersDestination);



// Send 2000 messages

for (int i = 0; i < 2000; ++i)?


TextMessage message = createMessage(i);





In listing 11.2, note that two consumers are subscribed to the same queue whose name

follows the virtual topic naming pattern for the queue side. Also note that the producer

is sending to a topic whose name follows the virtual topic naming pattern for

the topic side. When the 2,000 messages are sent to the topic, each consumer will

receive 1,000 messages from the queue.








Virtual topics are a convenient mechanism to combine the load balancing and

failover aspects of queues, with the durability of topics. Not only does the consumer

not need to worry about creating a unique JMS client ID and subscriber name, but the

consumers are competing for messages in a load balanced manner using JMS queue

semantics. If one of the consumers dies, the other consumer will continue to receive

all the messages on the queue.



不选哟担心创建唯一的JMS client ID和订阅者名称属性,而且所有消息消费者可以用JMS 队列语法,并以一种




In the next section we’ll look at using ActiveMQ to combine the longevity of durable

subscribers, with the performance of normal topic subscribers.



