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生命周期组件框架:生命周期描述语言——并发加写锁和解写锁执行过程示例@StateMachinestatic interface Lock


@StateMachine    static interface LockingStateMachine {        @StateSet        static interface States {            @Initial            @Function(transition = LockingStateMachine.Transitions.Start.class, value = Started.class)            static interface Created {}            @Functions({ @Function(transition = LockingStateMachine.Transitions.Stop.class, value = Stopped.class),                    @Function(transition = LockingStateMachine.Transitions.Cancel.class, value = Canceled.class) })            static interface Started {}            @End            static interface Stopped {}            @End            static interface Canceled {}        }        @TransitionSet        static interface Transitions {            static interface Start {}            static interface Stop {}            static interface Cancel {}        }    }    static interface ILockingReactiveObject {        public abstract int getCounter();        public abstract void start();        public abstract void stop();        public abstract void cancel();    }

? ?

public static class SimpleLock implements LifecycleLockStrategry {        private static Logger logger = Logger.getLogger("Lifecycle Framework");        private static volatile int depth = 0;        private final ReentrantReadWriteLock lock = new ReentrantReadWriteLock();        @Override        public void lockRead(Object reactiveObject) {            logLockingMethod(reactiveObject, "lockRead: ");            lock.readLock().lock();            depth++;        }        private void logLockingMethod(Object reactiveObject, String methodName) {            final StringBuilder builder = getIndent();            builder.append(methodName + reactiveObject);            logger.fine(builder.toString());        }        private StringBuilder getIndent() {            StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();            for ( int i = 0; i  klass) throws Throwable {        final ExecutorService executorService = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(7);        for ( int i = 0; i  c1 = new Callable() {                @Override                public LifecycleException call() throws Exception {                    try {                        object.stop();                        return null;                    } catch (LifecycleException e) {                        return e;                    }                }            };            Callable c2 = new Callable() {                @Override                public LifecycleException call() throws Exception {                    try {                        object.cancel();                        return null;                    } catch (LifecycleException e) {                        return e;                    }                }            };            if ( i % 2 == 0 ) {                Callable temp = c1;                c1 = c2;                c2 = temp;            }            final Future f1 = executorService.submit(c1);            final Future f2 = executorService.submit(c2);            final Callable c3 = new Callable() {                @Override                public Exception call() throws Exception {                    try {                        final LifecycleException e1 = f1.get();                        final LifecycleException e2 = f2.get();                        assertFalse(( null != e1 && null != e2 ) || ( null == e1 && null == e2 ));                        final LifecycleException e = null != e1 ? e1 : e2;                        System.out.println(e.toString());                        assertEquals(LifecycleCommonErrors.ILLEGAL_TRANSITION_ON_STATE, e.getErrorCode());                        assertEquals(2, object.getCounter());                        return null;                    } catch (Exception e) {                        return e;                    }                }            };            final Future f3 = executorService.submit(c3);            if ( null != f3.get() ) {                fail(f3.get().getMessage());            }        }    }




[FINE]: Found Intercept Point: class net.madz.lifecycle.engine.LifecycleLockTestMetadata$SimpleLockingReactiveObject.start( )
[FINE]: Intercepting....instatiating InterceptContext ...

[FINE]: Intercepting....InterceptorController is doing exec ...

[FINE]: Intercepting....instantiating LifecycleInterceptor

[FINE]: intercepting with :net.madz.bcel.intercept.LifecycleInterceptor @preExec

[FINE]: lockWrite: net.madz.lifecycle.engine.LifecycleLockTestMetadata$SimpleLockingReactiveObject@62b9f149

[FINE]: intercepting [net.madz.lifecycle.engine.LifecycleLockTestMetadata$SimpleLockingReactiveObject@62b9f149]
from state: [Created]
[FINE]: Step 1. start validating State [Created]
[FINE]: Step 2. start validating transition: [Start] on state: [Created]
[FINE]: Step 3. start validating inbound relation constraint is next state is predictable before method invocation.
[FINE]: Step 4. start callback before state change from : Created => to : Started

[FINE]: intercepting with: net.madz.bcel.intercept.CallableInterceptor @intercept

[FINE]: intercepting with :net.madz.bcel.intercept.LifecycleInterceptor @postExec

[FINE]: Step 5. start validating inbound relation constraint is next state after method invocation.
[FINE]: Step 6. Set next state to reactiveObject.
[FINE]: Step 6. ReactiveObject is tranisited to state: [Started]
[FINE]: Step 7. Start Callback after state change from : Created => to : Started

[FINE]: unlockWrite: net.madz.lifecycle.engine.LifecycleLockTestMetadata$SimpleLockingReactiveObject@62b9f149

[FINE]: Step 8. Start fire state change event.

[FINE]: intercepting with :net.madz.bcel.intercept.LifecycleInterceptor @cleanup

[FINE]: Intercepting....LifecycleInterceptor is doing cleanup ...


[FINE]: lockWrite: net.madz.lifecycle.engine.LifecycleLockTestMetadata$SimpleLockingReactiveObject@31c1fb39
[FINE]: lockWrite: net.madz.lifecycle.engine.LifecycleLockTestMetadata$SimpleLockingReactiveObject@31c1fb39
[FINE]: intercepting? [net.madz.lifecycle.engine.LifecycleLockTestMetadata$SimpleLockingReactiveObject@31c1fb39]
from state: [Started]
[FINE]: Step 1. start validating State [Started]
[FINE]: Step 2. start validating transition: [Stop] on state: [Started]
[FINE]: Step 3. start validating inbound relation constraint is next state is predictable before method invocation.
[FINE]: Step 4. start callback before state change from : Started => to : Stopped

[FINE]: intercepting with: net.madz.bcel.intercept.CallableInterceptor @intercept

[FINE]: intercepting with :net.madz.bcel.intercept.LifecycleInterceptor @postExec

[FINE]: Step 5. start validating inbound relation constraint is next state after method invocation.
[FINE]: Step 6. Set next state to reactiveObject.
[FINE]: Step 6. ReactiveObject is tranisited to state: [Stopped]
[FINE]: Step 7. Start Callback after state change from : Started => to : Stopped
[FINE]: unlockWrite: net.madz.lifecycle.engine.LifecycleLockTestMetadata$SimpleLockingReactiveObject@31c1fb39

[FINE]: Step 8. Start fire state change event.
[FINE]: intercepting? [net.madz.lifecycle.engine.LifecycleLockTestMetadata$SimpleLockingReactiveObject@31c1fb39]
from state: [Stopped] //此时状态已经变为Stopped,线程一导致的变化至此已被线程二看见

[FINE]: intercepting with :net.madz.bcel.intercept.LifecycleInterceptor @cleanup

[FINE]: Step 1. start validating State [Stopped]
[FINE]: Intercepting....LifecycleInterceptor is doing cleanup ...
[FINE]: Step 2. start validating transition: [Cancel] on state: [Stopped]

[FINE]: intercepting with :net.madz.bcel.intercept.LifecycleInterceptor @cleanup

[FINE]: Intercepting....LifecycleInterceptor is doing cleanup ...
[SEVERE]: ReactiveObject: [net.madz.lifecycle.engine.LifecycleLockTestMetadata$SimpleLockingReactiveObject@31c1fb39] was failed to transit from state: [Stopped] to state: [(Had Not Been Evaluated)] with following error:
[SEVERE]: Illegal Request Found on object net.madz.lifecycle.engine.LifecycleLockTestMetadata$SimpleLockingReactiveObject@31c1fb39: Transition Cancel is not allowed while object is on Stopped state.?
//线程二Transition失败后开始释放写[FINE]: unlockWrite: net.madz.lifecycle.engine.LifecycleLockTestMetadata$SimpleLockingReactiveObject@31c1fb39


