Error: Skin for tianditu.ApplicationSkin2错误
Error: Skin for FeatureLayer_Search.ApplicationSkin2._ApplicationSkin_Group1.contentGroup.myMap.StaticLayer11.ScaleBar66 cannot be found.
I don't even need to add a component to the project, just add the Library project. So, I'm not sure why the issue persists.
I had this problem with the beta 2, but it went away with the beta 3, so I figured it was a byproduct of some fixes/changes you made. If I compile my Library project to a swc and use it, everything works fine. So, I'm not sure if this an issue with FlashBuilder or not. I have not had a chance to test it in FDT or IntelliJ yet.
Is anyone able to replicate this problem in FlashBuilder?
Here is an example of how I use Map in custom components
It's not a deal breaker, but it's nice to modify my Library and see instant results without constant recompiles.
In your library project's Library Path where you've included the ArcGIS API for Flex swc, did you set it's Link Type to External? The default is "Merged into code".