java Socket和apache TelnetClient
java.net包提供的 socket客户端连接通信和apache提供的telnet包 TelenetClient,同样是客户端连接通信的,两者有什么区别呢。
不管是从通信方式、协议,还有优缺点、应用场景 方面来说都可以,越详细越好~~
欢迎讨论哈~~~~ socket tcpclient 区别差异
public class TelnetClient
extends SocketClient
The TelnetClient class implements the simple network virtual terminal (NVT) for the Telnet protocol according to RFC 854. It does not implement any of the extra Telnet options because it is meant to be used within a Java program providing automated access to Telnet accessible resources.
The class can be used by first connecting to a server using the SocketClient connect method. Then an InputStream and OutputStream for sending and receiving data over the Telnet connection can be obtained by using the getInputStream() and getOutputStream() methods. When you finish using the streams, you must call disconnect rather than simply closing the streams.