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system_ex():增强版本的system()在Linux上,如果一个程序中需要执行shell 命令,可以有以下几种方法:system(


在Linux上,如果一个程序中需要执行shell 命令,可以有以下几种方法:

system(): 执行一个shell命令,返回该命令执行后的返回值popen():执行一个shell命令,从返回的文件描述符中读出命令执行后输出的内容自己写fork(), dup2(), execl, wait4,通过execl中执行“/bin/sh -c <cmd>"来得到执行结果



int system_ex(char* cmd, char* output, int size){    int   fd[2];    pid_t pid;    int   n, count;    int wait_val = 0;    if(cmd == NULL){         return -1;    }    /* no need to save output, use original system() */    if(output == NULL || size <= 0){        return system(cmd);    }    if (pipe(fd) < 0){        return -1;    }    if ((pid = fork()) < 0){        close(fd[0]);        close(fd[1]);        return -1;    }    else if (pid > 0){//parent        close(fd[1]);//close write pipe        count = 0;        while (count < size){            n = read(fd[0], output + count, size-count);            if(n <= 0){                break;            }            count += n;        }        output[size - 1] = '\0'; /*terminate the string */        close(fd[0]);        if (wait4(pid, &wait_val, 0, 0) == -1){    wait_val = -1;        }        return wait_val;    }else{//child        close(fd[0]);//close read pipe        if (fd[1] != STDOUT_FILENO){            dup2(fd[1], STDOUT_FILENO);            close(fd[1]);        }        execl("/bin/sh", "sh", "-c", cmd, (char*)0);        //should not reach here, otherwise execl failed        /* SUSv3 mandates an exit code of 127 for the child if the * command interpreter can not be invoked. */        _exit(127);    }    //should not reach here    return -1;}
