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Peer to Peer File Download and Streaming-一

Peer to Peer File Download and Streaming-1Solutions of Streaming:??? IP Multicast??? Application La

Peer to Peer File Download and Streaming-1

Solutions of Streaming:

??? IP Multicast??? Application Layer Multicast??? P2P


Limitions of IP Multicast:

对路由的负荷没有地址分配机制安全,可能会导致DoSBest effort service??对现有的基础设施改变较大

使用overlay meshes可以一定程度的避免ALM中的问题,基本的想法是peer在mesh中的自治与邻居之间交换数据。


Mesh rather than a tree. BT比其他的ALM更加的scalable,robust和popular。


The design of any efficient large scale file or stream distribution system can be achieved with careful
decisions made on key design principles. These design principles include finding the right peers,
serving data to others in an effective manner, encoding the data to alleviate the impact on packet
loss, preventing free rider, and minimizing the request and response delay.

peering strategy:

有些协议要求节点要有global knowledge of the network,这样会增加traffic,不可能在大规模的系统中使用。the local optimization here may not lead to a global optimization.所以好的peering strategy必须是peer不需要知道整个系统的情况。

request strategy:

1.identify the priority:两种策略,随机优先和稀有优先。随机优先会避免同时要求一个block,但是会导致last block。稀有优先不会有last block问题,但是会要求有对cluster的global view。

uploading strategy:

encoding technique:

目的:传输过程中出现loss之后,更好的恢复数据。使用编码创造冗余。消除了last block

Multiple Description Coding(MDC):对多媒体文件的编码.通常翻译为多描述编码。可以解决因为网络条件导致的丢包,误码或延迟等现象。其编码方法是将媒体编码为多个位流(描述),并使每个描述都能恢复可接受质量的媒体。其恢复媒体的质量只依赖描述的个数,即如果解码器接收到的描述越多,则由这些描述共同形成的媒体质量就越高。


fairness:平衡altruistic和free rider

