56. 表单和文档的数据绑定——详谈NotesUIDocument.Reload()
打开一个文档时,表单的各个域会显示文档的同名字段的内容。修改某个域,对应字段的内容会被更新;反过来通过代码修改某个字段,界面上的显示也会更新。这个全自动的双向更新的过程,对用户和程序员都是透明的,大大简化了图形用户界面的应用程序数据显示和更新的开发。在其他很多编程语言中,这样的技术被称为数据绑定,无论在开发桌面还是Web程序里,都是被提倡的良好架构。Lotus Notes也可以看作基本遵循它。
我们来看看LotusScript中分别代表界面和数据实现绑定的NotesUIDocument和NotesDocument。NotesDocument是LotusScript编程中使用最多的Notes后端对象;NotesUIDocument则是使用最多的前端对象。在Notes帮助里,对于两者分别只有Represents a document in a database.和Represents the document that's currently open in the Notes?workspace.的简短介绍,没有详细讨论它们的区别。NotesDocument代表的是Notes数据库的通用记录类型,它可以保存在数据库中,也可以存留在内存里。NotesUIDocument对应在客户端的一个窗口页里打开的文档,伴随一个NotesDocument的打开而产生,当窗口关闭时即消失,无法独立存在。更进一步看,NotesUIDocument的性质与其说是Document暗示的数据实体,不如说更类似于一般图形用户界面(GUI)的API里的表单(Form),如VB。FieldGetText()、FieldSetText()、GotoField()等方法看上去就更适合归在一个名叫NotesForm的对象下,只不过Lotus Notes将NotesForm的功能仅仅限制在暴露表单作为设计元素的属性,而将用户界面提供的交互功能交给NotesUIDocument。
Modifications made to non-rich-text items on the back-end document accessed through the Document property appear on the current document immediately; AutoReload is unnecessary. Modifications made to non-rich-text items on the corresponding back-end document accessed from the front-end document but not through the Document property (for example, if you use GetDocumentByUNID) do not appear immediately unless AutoReload is True. To make the modifications appear when AutoReload is False, call the Reload method or close the document and reopen it.
Modifications made to rich-text items on the back-end document do not appear on the current document until it is closed and reopened.
Modifications made to rich-text items in the front-end document do not appear in the back-end document unless you call NotesUIDocument.Refresh(True).
Modifications made to items on the corresponding back-end document accessed outside the front-end document (for example, by an agent or another user) do not appear unless the document is closed and reopened.
This method is valid only when the document is in Edit mode.
This method reloads the back-end document associated with the editing session, which can be acquired through the Document property. It does not reload the base back-end document saved on disk.You must close and reopen the document to reload the base back-end document.
This method is useful only when the AutoReload property is False. By default this property is True and modifications to the back-end document appear immediately in the front-end.Where reloading on every modification is slow, you might set the AutoReload property to False, make the modifications, and call Reload.
Rich text items are an exception.Modifications made to rich-text items in the back-end document do not appear in the front-end until the document is closed and reopened.
Modifications made to the back-end document outside the current editing session (for example, by an agent or another user)do not appear until the document is closed and reopened.
You can close and reopen a front-end document with NotesUIDocument.Close(True) and NotesUIWorkspace.EditDocument.
Print "identical: " & Cstr(uidoc.Document Is doc)Print "identical: " & Cstr(curdoc Is doc)代码四
这个方向的更新情况要简单很多。在一个打开的文档里,用NotesUIDocument.FieldSetText()设置域值,等价于用户直接输入。此时,在文档的属性信息框的域标签页看到的域值没有变化。不过用前端文档对应的后端文档的GetItemValue()或读取字段的扩展属性都能获得最新的值。从用户输入的值到读取的字段值,中间有一个校验和转换的过程。比如数字、日期域里输入的原义(literal)字符串,就被试图转化成数字和日期值,多值域里的内容根据设定的分隔符被转换成多值列表(list),用户设定的域的校验公式和转换公式也发生作用。如果校验失败,就会产生错误。例如,在文档保存时,客户端会提示某个数字域里的输入不能被转化成数字;在脚本里读取后端文档的字段值时(如doc.ANumberField(0)),会引发Variant does not contain a container的错误,意为ANumberField字段因为没有通过校验没有形成一个有效的字段值,不能以值数组的形式被读取;文档的属性信息框的域标签页看到的该域值为Cannot convert text to a number。