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五。hbase高级部分 - Coprocessor

5。hbase高级部分 - Coprocessor???features1 advantages?-reduce much data to client to computation?-co

5。hbase高级部分 - Coprocessor


五。hbase高级部分 - Coprocessor


1 advantages

?-reduce much data to client to computation

?-converient intersactions to hbase


2 disvantages

?-just slimilar to common SQL DB,if this CPs are CPU ,MEM or IO intensive,this will slow down the entire cluster performance.so i think if you are run in thise case,let the cluster to in a off-line state is much better.

?-CP is different from Bigtable's one,the former is a plugin in hbase,and the later is a individual process out of server,so this may impact server to run normally.


