Hazelcast作为一款与ZooKeeper类似的开源实现,我在网上找了一篇相关的文章:http://blog.armstrongconsulting.com/?p=132 在这篇文章中有一段这样写道:
I had occasional hangs with Hazelcast 1.8.4 which caused me to switch to Zookeeper. As expected, Zookeeper was a lot harder to use than Hazelcast – you need Zookeeper installed on 3 servers. There’s no official java client, just some recipes and I found an implementation of Zookeeper locks called Cages on google code. For a java developer, Hazelcast is obviously way easier to use.?
If there is no existing node, then the node will be the first member of the cluster. If multicast is enabled then it will start a multicast listener so that it can respond to incoming join requests. Otherwise it will listen for join request coming via?
.If there is an existing cluster already, then the oldest member in the cluster will receive the join request and check if the request is for the right group. If so, the oldest member in the cluster will start the join process.
In the join process, the oldest member will:
send the new member list to all members
tell members to sync data in order to balance the data load
Every member in the cluster has the same member list in the same order. First member is the oldest member so if the oldest member dies, second member in the list becomes the first member in the list and the new oldest member.
从这点可以看出,虽然Hazelcast没有所谓的“Master”,但是仍然有一个Leader节点(the oldest member),这个概念与ZooKeeper中的Leader类似,但是实现原理却完全不同。同时,Hazelcast中的数据是分布式的,每一个member持有部分数据和相应的backup数据,这点也与ZooKeeper不同。
其中,社区版在Apache许可2.0下发布,并托管于Google Code中。2.0版本包含了一个分布式备份功能,用以确保每个结点都能均匀地被所有其他结点备份。Hazelcast创始人Talip Ozturk告诉InfoQ说,“我相信我们的备份分发是一个全新的解决方案”。
另外,企业版增加了堆外(off-heap)存储(注:Hazelcast中将其称作弹性内存(Elastic Memory))、附加的安全能力和一个原生的C#客户端。
弹性内存本质上是一种解决过长GC中断时间(pause time)的变通方案。Azul推出的C4收集器是一个例外,它消除了所有的GC中断。借助它,商业JVM中的垃圾收集中断时间会随内置堆的大小明显增长。弹性内存可以减少JVM堆的大小,从而降低垃圾收集的中断时间。关于这点,Ozturk给出了一个大致的建议:
如果你的每个JVM都拥有10GB以上的数据,或者有超过1KB的值对,那么可以使用弹性内存。而如果你的每个JVM数据在4GB左右,或者少于a KB,那么我们不建议使用弹性内存。
Hazelcast的弹性内存采用直接字节缓存区(direct byte buffer)实现,其中每个缓存区分为若干块,每块默认大小为1KB。这个特性类似于Oracle的Coherence、Terracotta的Ehcache以及一些其他提供商的缓冲方案。