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在TextView使用部分颜色文字/** * change a part of string color. ** @param string *whole string. * @p


/** * change a part of string color. *  * @param string *            whole string. * @param subString *            the sub string need modify color. * @param color *            the the color you want the sub string display. can get like *            {@link Context#getResources()}.getColor(R.color.xxx) or use *            the system {@link Color}.xxx; * @return a spannableStringBuilder(a string after modify substring color). */public static SpannableStringBuilder modifyStrColor(String string, String subString, int color) {String tipRed = String.format(string, subString);int index[] = new int[1];index[0] = tipRed.indexOf(subString);SpannableStringBuilder style = new SpannableStringBuilder(tipRed);style.setSpan(new ForegroundColorSpan(color), index[0],index[0] + subString.length(),Spannable.SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_INCLUSIVE);return style;}
