再谈Java的wait(), sleep(), notify()和notifyAll()
先说sleep() 和 wait()
sleep() method causes the current thread to move from running state to block state for a specified time. If the current thread has the lock of any object then it keeps holding it, which means that other threads cannot execute any synchronized method in that class object.
wait() method causes the current thread to go into block state either for a specified time or until notify, but in this case the thread releases the lock of the object (which means that other threads can execute any synchronized methods of the calling object.
a). wait()必须放在synchronized块之中;
b). wait()必须放在一个while loop中;
You need not only to loop it but check your condition in the loop. Java does not guarantee that your thread will be woken up only by a notify()/notifyAll() call or the right notify()/notifyAll() call at all. Because of this property the loop-less version might work on your development environment and fail on the production environment unexpectedly.
这个是说有可能睡眠的线程被唤醒不是靠的被notify()/notifyAll()或者被中断,或者时间到了,有一种情况叫spurious wakeup, 你可以点进去看一下高人对此种虚假唤醒的解释。总之,因此要将wait放在一个while循环中,每次醒来自己去检查你的条件是否满足了。
public synchronized void put(Object o) { while (buf.size()==MAX_SIZE) { wait(); // called if the buffer is full (try/catch removed for brevity) } buf.add(o); notify(); // called in case there are any getters or putters waiting}public synchronized Object get() { // Y: this is where C2 tries to acquire the lock (i.e. at the beginning of the method) while (buf.size()==0) { wait(); // called if the buffer is empty (try/catch removed for brevity) // X: this is where C1 tries to re-acquire the lock (see below) } Object o = buf.remove(0); notify(); // called if there are any getters or putters waiting return o;}