2、如果同一天加工单位、产品、工序、单价 均相同时取最大单价
3、加工单位、产品、工序、单价 不能有重复行
来源: 视图view_wwjgjgdj
加工单位, 日期, 产品, 加工工序, 加工单价
traderid, billdate, materialid, vipbmclid, price
10001 ,2013-03-01 , 3001 , 1 , 2.3 ----前面4个字段重复
10001 ,2013-03-01 , 3001 , 1 , 2.7 ----前面4个字段重复
10001 ,2013-03-08 , 3001 , 2 , 3
10001 ,2013-06-05 , 3001 , 1 , 4
10001 ,2013-06-07 , 3001 , 1 , 3.3 ---完全重复
10001 ,2013-06-07 , 3001 , 1 , 3.3 ---完全重复
2008 ,2013-06-01 , 7008 , 1 , 4.1 ----不同加工单位
一、求视图view vip_wwjgdjbbmx select * from vip_wwjgdjbbmx
traderid, billdate, materialid, vipbmclid, price
10001 ,2013-06-07 , 3001 , 1 , 3.3
2008 ,2013-06-01 , 7008 , 1 , 4.1
-- 修改了一下测试数据以求效果更明显
select 10001 traderid,'2013-03-01' billdate,3002 materialid,1 vipbmclid,2.3 price ----前面4个字段重复
into #t
union all select 10001,'2013-03-01',3002,1,2.7----前面4个字段重复
union all select 10001,'2013-03-08',3001,2, 3
union all select 10001,'2013-06-05',3001,1, 4
union all select 10001,'2013-06-07',3001,1, 3.3 ---完全重复
union all select 10001,'2013-06-07',3001,1, 3.3 ---完全重复
union all select 2008,'2013-06-01',7008,1, 4.1 ----不同加工单位
select t1.traderid, t1.materialid,t1.vipbmclid,t1.billdate, MAX(t1.price) AS Price
select traderid,materialid,vipbmclid,max(billdate) billdate
from #t
group by traderid,materialid,vipbmclid
) t
join #t t1
on t.traderid=t1.traderid and t.materialid=t1.materialid
and t.vipbmclid=t1.vipbmclid and t.billdate=t1.billdate
GROUP BY t1.traderid, t1.materialid,t1.vipbmclid,t1.billdate
drop table #t