python 发个题目不太明白要怎么整啊?
Write a program which will ask the user to enter a bunch of text at the keyboard (ie several lines, each having several words per line), and then analyse the text. The 'analysis' will comprise finding the most common and least common non-space characters (note that there may be several characters having the same frequency of occurrence).
# ask for input
text = []
print 'Please input text: (ENTER for break)'
while True:
line = raw_input().strip()
if not line: break
# analysis
import string
all_text = [x for x in ''.join(text) if x in string.ascii_letters]
freq_letter = {x:all_text.count(x) for x in all_text}
max_letter = [k for k,v in freq_letter.items() if v==max(freq_letter.values())]
min_letter = [k for k,v in freq_letter.items() if v==min(freq_letter.values())]
# output
print 'the most common character(s):', max_letter
print 'the least common character(s):', min_letter
>>> ================================ RESTART ================================
Please input text: (ENTER for break)
a b c b a a d
the most common character(s): ['a']
the least common character(s): ['c', 'd']
from collections import Counter
text='A Counter is a dict subclass for counting hashable objects. It is an unordered collection where elements are stored as dictionary keys and their counts are stored as dictionary values. Counts are allowed to be any integer value including zero or negative counts. The Counter class is similar to bags or multisets in other languages.'
d={x:c[x] for x in c if ord(x) in range(33,127)}
print('most:', sorted([x for x in d if d[x]==max(d.values())]))
print('most:', sorted([x for x in d if d[x]==min(d.values())]))