本帖最后由 yiyishuitian 于 2013-05-06 09:11:33 编辑
with business as
select 1 id ,'中国' as name,null pid union all
select 2 id ,'江苏' as name,1 pid union all
select 3 id ,'山东' as name,1 pid union all
select 4 id ,'广东' as name,1 pid union all
select 5 id ,'南京' as name,2 pid union all
select 6 id ,'苏州' as name,2 pid union all
select 7 id ,'常州' as name,2 pid union all
select 8 id ,'济南' as name,3 pid union all
select 9 id ,'青岛' as name,3 pid union all
select 10 id ,'广州' as name,4 pid union all
select 11 id ,'深圳' as name,4 pid union all
select 12 id ,'六合' as name,5 pid union all
select 13 id ,'龙池' as name,12 pid
select * from business
create table business
(id int,name varchar(10),pid int)
insert into business
select 1 id ,'中国' as name,null pid union all
select 2 id ,'江苏' as name,1 pid union all
select 3 id ,'山东' as name,1 pid union all
select 4 id ,'广东' as name,1 pid union all
select 5 id ,'南京' as name,2 pid union all
select 6 id ,'苏州' as name,2 pid union all
select 7 id ,'常州' as name,2 pid union all
select 8 id ,'济南' as name,3 pid union all
select 9 id ,'青岛' as name,3 pid union all
select 10 id ,'广州' as name,4 pid union all
select 11 id ,'深圳' as name,4 pid union all
select 12 id ,'六合' as name,5 pid union all
select 13 id ,'龙池' as name,12 pid
if object_id('tempdb..#t') is not null
drop table #t
;with t as
(select id,name,pid,1 lv from business
union all
select a.id,b.name,b.pid,a.lv+1
from t a
inner join business b on a.pid=b.id
select id,name,lv into #t from t;
declare @tsql varchar(6000),@ls1 varchar(200),@ls2 varchar(200)
select @ls1=isnull(@ls1,'')+'isnull(['+rtrim(number)+'],'''') lev'+rtrim(number-1)+',',
from master.dbo.spt_values
where type='P' and number between 1 and (select max(lv) from #t)
select @tsql='select id,'+left(@ls1,len(@ls1)-1)
+' from (select id,name,row_number() over(partition by id order by lv desc) lv '
+' from #t) c '
+' pivot(max(name) for lv in('+left(@ls2,len(@ls2)-1)+')) p '
id lev0 lev1 lev2 lev3 lev4
----------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
1 中国
2 中国 江苏
3 中国 山东
4 中国 广东
5 中国 江苏 南京
6 中国 江苏 苏州
7 中国 江苏 常州
8 中国 山东 济南
9 中国 山东 青岛
10 中国 广东 广州
11 中国 广东 深圳
12 中国 江苏 南京 六合
13 中国 江苏 南京 六合 龙池
(13 row(s) affected)