本帖最后由 s63403048 于 2013-05-20 10:54:24 编辑 RT.列转行成功.
b.branchcode||'-'||b.branchname as bran,
b.branchcode||'-'||b.branchname as bran,
sum(case s.offreasons when '保单价格原因' then count(distinct c.licenseno || substr(engineno, length(engineno) - 5, 6)) else null end) as offresions1 ,
sum(case s.offreasons when '其它主体手续费较高' then count(distinct c.licenseno || substr(engineno, length(engineno) - 5, 6)) else null end) as offresions2,
sum(case s.offreasons when '其它主体赠送礼品' then count(distinct c.licenseno || substr(engineno, length(engineno) - 5, 6)) else null end) as offresions3,
sum(case s.offreasons when '理赔服务问题' then count(distinct c.licenseno || substr(engineno, length(engineno) - 5, 6)) else null end) as offresions4,
sum(case s.offreasons when '过户、转卖他人' then count(distinct c.licenseno || substr(engineno, length(engineno) - 5, 6)) else null end) as offresions5,
sum(case s.offreasons when '车辆报废' then count(distinct c.licenseno || substr(engineno, length(engineno) - 5, 6)) else null end) as offresions6,
sum(case s.offreasons when '业务员离职或转其它支公司' then count(distinct c.licenseno || substr(engineno, length(engineno) - 5, 6)) else null end) as offresions7,
sum(case s.offreasons when '本身为市场业务,流动性交强' then count(distinct c.licenseno || substr(engineno, length(engineno) - 5, 6)) else null end) as offresions8,
sum(case s.offreasons when '其它主体关系客户' then count(distinct c.licenseno || substr(engineno, length(engineno) - 5, 6)) else null end) as offresions9,
sum(case s.offreasons when '已在人保兄弟公司承保' then count(distinct c.licenseno || substr(engineno, length(engineno) - 5, 6)) else null end) as offresions10,
sum(case s.offreasons when '已在其它主体承保' then count(distinct c.licenseno || substr(engineno, length(engineno) - 5, 6)) else null end) as offresions11,
sum(case s.offreasons when '其它原因' then count(distinct c.licenseno || substr(engineno, length(engineno) - 5, 6)) else null end) as offresions12
bascarinfo c, basmemberinfo m, offreasons s,sys_branch b
where c.memberid = m.memberid
and m.memberid = s.memberid
and c.allotorgan = b.branchcode
group by b.branchcode,b.branchname,s.offreasons
b.branchname as bran,
substr(engineno, length(engineno) - 5, 6) lic,
sum(decode(s.offreasons,'保单价格原因',1,0)) offresions1,
sum(decode(s.offreasons,'其它主体手续费较高',1,0)) offresions2,
sum(decode(s.offreasons,'其它主体赠送礼品',1,0)) offresions3
bascarinfo c, basmemberinfo m, offreasons s,sys_branch b
where c.memberid = m.memberid
and m.memberid = s.memberid
and c.allotorgan = b.branchcode
group by b.branchcode,b.branchname,licenseno,substr(engineno, length(engineno) - 5, 6)