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Loadrunner如何访问数据库Action.c(6): DB connection was successfulAction.c(13): SQL Statement? execu


Action.c(6): DB connection was successful
Action.c(13): SQL Statement? execution "PerformQuery" started
Action.c(13): SQL Statement? execution was successful
Action.c(13): ================================================
Action.c(18): The query returned 9 rows.
Action.c(20): Dataset action "PrintDataset" started
Action.c(20): ******** Start printing ***********
Action.c(20): Number of records in dataset? = 9
Action.c(20): Num.?? CONS_NO????????????????? CONS_ID?????????????????
Action.c(20): =========================================================
Action.c(20): 1????? 3096451321?????????????? 310306247???????????????
Action.c(20): 2????? 3097730300?????????????? 3376536?????????????????
Action.c(20): 3????? 0000265443?????????????? 3376537?????????????????
Action.c(20): 4????? 0000265456?????????????? 3376538?????????????????
Action.c(20): 5????? 0000265469?????????????? 3376539?????????????????
Action.c(20): 6????? 0000265472?????????????? 3376540?????????????????
Action.c(20): 7????? 3098976354?????????????? 314348099???????????????
Action.c(20): 8????? 0000265498?????????????? 3376542?????????????????
Action.c(20): 9????? 0000265502?????????????? 3376543?????????????????
Action.c(20): ********End printing ***********
Action.c(20): Dataset action was successful
Action.c(27): Get db value "GetValue" started
Action.c(27): Get db value was successful
Action.c(27): ================================================
Action.c(33): The value is: 3096451321
Action.c(27): Get db value "GetValue" started
Action.c(27): Get db value was successful
Action.c(27): ================================================
Action.c(33): The value is: 3097730300
Action.c(27): Get db value "GetValue" started
Action.c(27): Get db value was successful
Action.c(27): ================================================
Action.c(33): The value is: 0000265443
Action.c(27): Get db value "GetValue" started
Action.c(27): Get db value was successful
Action.c(27): ================================================
Action.c(33): The value is: 0000265456
Action.c(27): Get db value "GetValue" started
Action.c(27): Get db value was successful
Action.c(27): ================================================
Action.c(33): The value is: 0000265469
Action.c(27): Get db value "GetValue" started
Action.c(27): Get db value was successful
Action.c(27): ================================================
Action.c(33): The value is: 0000265472
Action.c(27): Get db value "GetValue" started
Action.c(27): Get db value was successful
Action.c(27): ================================================
Action.c(33): The value is: 3098976354
Action.c(27): Get db value "GetValue" started
Action.c(27): Get db value was successful
Action.c(27): ================================================
Action.c(33): The value is: 0000265498
Action.c(27): Get db value "GetValue" started
Action.c(27): Get db value was successful
Action.c(27): ================================================
Action.c(33): The value is: 0000265502
Action.c(36): Dataset action "RemoveDataset" started
Action.c(36): Dataset action was successful
Action.c(41): DB disconnect "Disconnect" started
Action.c(41): DB disconnect was successful
Action.c(41): ================================================
Ending action Action.
Ending iteration 1.
Ending Vuser...
Starting action vuser_end.
Ending action vuser_end.
Vuser Terminated.

