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EBS 查寻用户在某段时间内运行了什么请求

EBS 查找用户在某段时间内运行了什么请求select fu.user_name用户名,frt.responsibility_name职责,fcr.com

EBS 查找用户在某段时间内运行了什么请求

    select fu.user_name               用户名,         frt.responsibility_name    职责,         fcr.completion_text        完成,         fcr.RESPONSIBILITY_ID      职责号,         fcr.actual_completion_date 完成日期,         fcr.request_id             请求号,         fcrsv.USER_CONCURRENT_PROGRAM_NAME 使用并发程序名    from fnd_concurrent_requests fcr,         fnd_responsibility_tl   frt,         fnd_user                fu,         FND_CONC_REQ_SUMMARY_V fcrsv   where fcr.RESPONSIBILITY_ID = frt.RESPONSIBILITY_ID     and fcr.actual_completion_date <= sysdate - 1     and fu.user_id = fcr.requested_by     and fcrsv.REQUEST_ID = fcr.request_id     and fu.user_name = 'ZMSUP006'     and fcr.actual_completion_date >= sysdate -3-- ;--两天内       order by fcr.actual_completion_date;    
