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Flex4之在button上显示HTML内容package myas{import flash.events.Eventimport flash.text.TextLineMetri


package myas{import flash.events.Event;import flash.text.TextLineMetrics;import mx.controls.Button;import mx.core.UITextField;import mx.core.mx_internal;use namespace mx_internal;public class HTMLButton extends Button{/** *  @private *  Storage for the htmlText property. */private var _htmlLabel:String;/** *  @private *  The value of the unscaledWidth parameter during the most recent *  call to updateDisplayList */private var oldUnscaledWidth:Number;/** *  @private *  This flag indicate htmlText changed for this component */private var htmlLabelChanged:Boolean;/** *  @private *  This flag indicate style changed for this component */         private var styleChangedFlag:Boolean = true;/** *  @private *  This flag indicate tooltip set for this component */private var toolTipSet:Boolean = false;/**  *  @private *  This label setter override for update htmlLabel property with null */override public function set label(value:String):void{super.label = value;if (super.label != value)_htmlLabel = null;}override public function get label():String{if(isHTML)return _htmlLabel;return super.label;}[Bindable("htmlLabelChanged")][CollapseWhiteSpace][Inspectable(category="General", defaultValue="")]/** *  Specifies the text displayed by the Button control, including HTML markup that *  expresses the styles of that text.  *  When you specify HTML text in this property, you can use the subset of HTML  *  tags that is supported by the Flash TextField control. */public function get htmlLabel():String{return _htmlLabel;}/** * @private */public function set htmlLabel(value:String):void{if (_htmlLabel != value){_htmlLabel = value;label = null;htmlLabelChanged = true;invalidateSize();invalidateDisplayList();dispatchEvent(new Event("htmlLabelChanged"));}}/**  *  @private *  This label setter override for update toolTipSet property for this component */override public function set toolTip(value:String):void{super.toolTip = value;if (value)toolTipSet = true;elsetoolTipSet = false;}/** *  @private */private function get isHTML():Boolean{return _htmlLabel != null;}/** *  @private */override protected function updateDisplayList(unscaledWidth:Number, unscaledHeight:Number):void{super.updateDisplayList(unscaledWidth,unscaledHeight);// If our width changed, reset the label text to get it to fit.if (isHTML && (oldUnscaledWidth > unscaledWidth ||textField.htmlText != htmlLabel ||htmlLabelChanged||styleChangedFlag)){textField.htmlText = _htmlLabel;var lineMetrics:TextLineMetrics= measureHTMLText(_htmlLabel);var truncated:Boolean = (lineMetrics.width + UITextField.TEXT_WIDTH_PADDING) > textField.width;if (!toolTipSet){if (truncated)super.toolTip = textField.text;elsesuper.toolTip = null;}            }oldUnscaledWidth = unscaledWidth;htmlLabelChanged = false;styleChangedFlag = false;}/** *  @private *  This function overrited only for update styleChangedFlag */override public function styleChanged(styleProp:String):void{styleChangedFlag = true;super.styleChanged(styleProp);        }/** * This overrited function return TextLineMetrics based on htmlLabel property. * If htmlLabel is not null, its return TextLineMetrics for htmlLabel. * Otherwiset its return TextLineMetrics for label.  */override public function measureText(text:String):TextLineMetrics{if(isHTML)return super.measureHTMLText(text);return super.measureText(text);}}} 



<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><s:Application xmlns:fx="http://ns.adobe.com/mxml/2009"    xmlns:s="library://ns.adobe.com/flex/spark"    xmlns:mx="library://ns.adobe.com/flex/mx"   minWidth="955" minHeight="600" xmlns:myas="myas.*"><myas:HTMLButton x="235" y="130"><myas:htmlLabel> <![CDATA[Hello<Font color="#FF0000">WorLd</Font>]]></myas:htmlLabel></myas:HTMLButton></s:Application>



