xinetd的启动问题 start restart failed
I checked that xinetd was installed,
restart xinetd
rfidic05:/etc/xinetd.d # /etc/init.d/xinetd restart
Shutting down xinetd: done
Starting INET services. (xinetd) failed
Checked the status of xinetd,
rfidic05:/etc/xinetd.d # rcxinetd status
Checking for service xinetd: unused
rfidic05:/etc/xinetd.d # id
ok, the problem was found, we should start the xinetd service on suse system.
open the GUI of yast by comand : /sbin/yast
-> Network Services -> Network Services(xinetd)
Choose the "Enable" option in the " Network Services Configration(xinetd) " panel
press "Alt+r" to "Activate All Services"(use "Tab" of keyboard to locate at " [Status for All Servicesv]" )
or “Alt+S” (status for all Services)
and "save" -- - Finish
Now, the xinetd start, everything go well!