declare @user_name varchar(100) --定义一个游标 declare user_cur cursor for select user_name from [T_CORE_USER] where Bh is null--打开游标 open user_cur while @@fetch_status=0 begin --读取游标 fetch next from user_cur into @user_name begin if (select count(*) from T_smes_qyxx where qy_mc = @user_name )<=1 update t1 set t1.BH = t2.QY_ID from [T_CORE_USER] t1,T_smes_qyxx t2 where t1.user_name = @user_name and t2.qy_mc = @user_name and t1.Bh is null print @user_name end end close user_cur --摧毁游标 deallocate user_cur