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HTML 五中又新增加main标签

HTML 5中又新增加main标签HTML 5新增加的标签元素已经够多的了,在2013年2月份,又增加了main标签,参考:ht

HTML 5中又新增加main标签
HTML 5新增加的标签元素已经够多的了,在2013年2月份,又增加了<main>标签,参考:

The main element represents the main content of the body of a document or application. The main content area consists of content that is directly related to or expands upon the central topic of a document or central functionality of an application.

Authors must not include more than one main element in a document.

Authors must not include the main element as a child of an article, aside, footer, header or nav element


<main>  <h1>Skateboards</h1>  The skateboard is the way cool kids get around    <article>  <h2>Longboards</h2>  Longboards are a type of skateboard with a longer   wheelbase and larger, softer wheels.  ...   ...   </article>  <article>  <h2>Electric Skateboards</h2>  These no longer require the propelling of the skateboard  by means of the feet; rather an electric motor propels the board,   fed by an electric battery.  ...   ...   </article></main>  <!-- other content -->

