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Robocode Tank AI 范例

Robocode Tank AI 实例最近公司流行玩Robocode,这是一个坦克机器人战斗仿真引擎,里面可以写一些自己的Tank

Robocode Tank AI 实例



package azrael;import robocode.*;//import java.awt.Color;// API help : http://robocode.sourceforge.net/docs/robocode/robocode/Robot.html/** * Aldis - a robot by (your name here) */public class Aldis extends AdvancedRobot {    double previousEnergy = 100;    int movementDirection = 1;    int gunDirection = 1;    int direction = 1;    /**     * run: Aldis's default behavior     */    public void run() {        while (true) {            setTurnRightRadiansOptimal(adjustHeadingForWalls(0));            setAhead(100);            execute();        }    }    private static final double DOUBLE_PI = (Math.PI * 2);    private static final double HALF_PI = (Math.PI / 2);    private static final double WALL_AVOID_INTERVAL = 10;    private static final double WALL_AVOID_FACTORS = 20;    private static final double WALL_AVOID_DISTANCE = (WALL_AVOID_INTERVAL * WALL_AVOID_FACTORS);        public double calculateBearingToXYRadians(double sourceX, double sourceY,            double sourceHeading, double targetX, double targetY) {                return normalizeRelativeAngleRadians(                   Math.atan2((targetX - sourceX), (targetY - sourceY)) -                       sourceHeading);            }        public double normalizeAbsoluteAngleRadians(double angle) {           if (angle < 0) {                return (DOUBLE_PI + (angle % DOUBLE_PI));            } else {                return (angle % DOUBLE_PI);            }        }        public static double normalizeRelativeAngleRadians(double angle) {            double trimmedAngle = (angle % DOUBLE_PI);            if (trimmedAngle > Math.PI) {                return -(Math.PI - (trimmedAngle % Math.PI));            } else if (trimmedAngle < -Math.PI) {                return (Math.PI + (trimmedAngle % Math.PI));            } else {                return trimmedAngle;            }        }            private double adjustHeadingForWalls(double heading) {        double fieldHeight = getBattleFieldHeight();        double fieldWidth = getBattleFieldWidth();        double centerX = (fieldWidth / 2);        double centerY = (fieldHeight / 2);        double currentHeading = getRelativeHeadingRadians();        double x = getX();        double y = getY();        boolean nearWall = false;        double desiredX;        double desiredY;        // If we are too close to a wall, calculate a course toward        // the center of the battlefield.        if ((y < WALL_AVOID_DISTANCE)                || ((fieldHeight - y) < WALL_AVOID_DISTANCE)) {            desiredY = centerY;            nearWall = true;        } else {            desiredY = y;        }        if ((x < WALL_AVOID_DISTANCE)                || ((fieldWidth - x) < WALL_AVOID_DISTANCE)) {            desiredX = centerX;            nearWall = true;        } else {            desiredX = x;        }        // Determine the safe heading and factor it in with the desired        // heading if the bot is near a wall        if (nearWall) {            double desiredBearing = calculateBearingToXYRadians(x, y,                    currentHeading, desiredX, desiredY);            double distanceToWall = Math.min(Math.min(x, (fieldWidth - x)),                    Math.min(y, (fieldHeight - y)));            int wallFactor = (int) Math.min(                    (distanceToWall / WALL_AVOID_INTERVAL), WALL_AVOID_FACTORS);            return ((((WALL_AVOID_FACTORS - wallFactor) * desiredBearing) + (wallFactor * heading)) / WALL_AVOID_FACTORS);        } else {            return heading;        }    }    public double getRelativeHeadingRadians() {        double relativeHeading = getHeadingRadians();        if (direction < 1) {            relativeHeading = normalizeAbsoluteAngleRadians(relativeHeading                    + Math.PI);        }        return relativeHeading;    }    public void reverseDirection() {        double distance = (getDistanceRemaining() * direction);        direction *= -1;        setAhead(distance);    }    public void setAhead(double distance) {        double relativeDistance = (distance * direction);        super.setAhead(relativeDistance);        if (distance < 0) {            direction *= -1;        }    }    public void setBack(double distance) {        double relativeDistance = (distance * direction);        super.setBack(relativeDistance);        if (distance > 0) {            direction *= -1;        }    }    public void setTurnLeftRadiansOptimal(double angle) {        double turn = normalizeRelativeAngleRadians(angle);        if (Math.abs(turn) > HALF_PI) {            reverseDirection();            if (turn < 0) {                turn = (HALF_PI + (turn % HALF_PI));            } else if (turn > 0) {                turn = -(HALF_PI - (turn % HALF_PI));            }        }        setTurnLeftRadians(turn);    }    public void setTurnRightRadiansOptimal(double angle) {        double turn = normalizeRelativeAngleRadians(angle);        if (Math.abs(turn) > HALF_PI) {            reverseDirection();            if (turn < 0) {                turn = (HALF_PI + (turn % HALF_PI));            } else if (turn > 0) {                turn = -(HALF_PI - (turn % HALF_PI));            }        }        setTurnRightRadians(turn);    }    /**     * onScannedRobot: What to do when you see another robot     */    public void onScannedRobot(ScannedRobotEvent e) {        // Stay at right angles to the opponent        fire(2);        setTurnRight(e.getBearing() + 90 - 30 * movementDirection);        // If the bot has small energy drop,        // assume it fired        double changeInEnergy = previousEnergy - e.getEnergy();        if (changeInEnergy > 0 && changeInEnergy <= 3) {            // Dodge!            movementDirection = -movementDirection;            setAhead((e.getDistance() / 4 + 25) * movementDirection);        }        // When a bot is spotted,        // sweep the gun and radar        gunDirection = -gunDirection;        setTurnGunRight(99999 * gunDirection);        // Fire directly at target        // fire( 2 ) ;        // Track the energy level        previousEnergy = e.getEnergy();    }}
