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OpenStack虚拟机的用户客制化步骤(User Data)

OpenStack虚拟机的用户客制化方法(User Data)盛大云的用户信息定制界面很多成熟的公有云产品在申请虚拟机

OpenStack虚拟机的用户客制化方法(User Data)
OpenStack虚拟机的用户客制化步骤(User Data)OpenStack虚拟机的用户客制化步骤(User Data)

Gzip Compressed Content

  • content found to be gzip compressed will be uncompressed. Theuncompressed data will then be used as if it were not compressed.Compression of data is useful because user-data is limited to 16384bytes1

    Mime Multi Part archive

  • This list of rules is applied to each part ofthis multi-part file. Using a mime-multi part file, the user canspecify more than one type of data. For example, both a user datascript and a cloud-config type could be specified.

    User-Data Script

  • begins with: "#!" or"Content-Type: text/x-shellscript"
    script will be executed at "rc.local-like" level during first boot.rc.local-like means "very late in the boot sequence"

    Include File

  • begins with "#include" or"Content-Type: text/x-include-url"
    This content is a "include" file. The file contains a list of urls,one per line. Each of the URLs will be read, and their content willbe passed through this same set of rules. Ie, the content read fromthe URL can be gzipped, mime-multi-part, or plain text

    Cloud Config Data

  • begins with "#cloud-config" or"Content-Type: text/cloud-config"
    This content is "cloud-config" data. See the examples for acommented example of supported config formats.

    Upstart Job

  • begins with "#upstart-job" or"Content-Type: text/upstart-job"
    Content is placed into a file in /etc/init, and will be consumed byupstart as any other upstart job.

    Cloud Boothook

  • begins with "#cloud-boothook" or"Content-Type: text/cloud-boothook"

    This content is "boothook" data. It is stored in a file under/var/lib/cloud and then executed immediately.
    This is the earliest "hook" available. Note, that there is nomechanism provided for running only once. The boothook must takecare of this itself. It is provided with the instance id in theenvironment variable "INSTANCE_ID". This could be made use of toprovide a 'once-per-instance'
    Only available in 10.10 or later (cloud-init 0.5.12 andlater)

    Part Handler

  • begins with "#part-handler" or"Content-Type: text/part-handler"

    This is a 'part-handler'. It will be written to a file in/var/lib/cloud/data based on its filename. This must be python codethat contains a list_types method and a handle_type method. Oncethe section is read the 'list_types' method will be called. It mustreturn a list of mime-types that this part-handler handlers.
    The 'handle_type' method must be like:

  • 目前还仅仅测试了ubuntu的cloudimage,非UEC镜像即使按照installturtion安装了cloud-init包也没有测试成功,还在查找原因,后面弄好了会接着给大家介绍。—————————————————————————————————————————


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