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a)? Isolate the virt drivers from direct database access, call ComputeVirtAPI of ComputeManager
b)? Support for config drive v2 configuration on Hyper-V
c)? Add support to python-novaclient so that it can list/set/unset extra_specs
d)? No direct DB access by compute manager
e)? Move all functionality out of nova manage and into APIs, add ‘conductor’ package
f)? Extension for retrieving a secure password of an instance
g)? Make the existing nova security groups API pluggable.
h)? continue to advance IBM PowerVM Computer Driver(support snapshot of instances)






a)? API framework for loading multiple service plugins
b)? Quantum Security Groups API
c)? High Available Quantum queues in rabbitmq(see impl_kombu.py)
Quantum supports now rabbitmq, which can be easily started in active/passive mode with Pacemaker + DRBD. But that could be interesting to integrate active / active feature and to declare the queues adding an x-ha-policy entry. It would be nice to add a config entry to be able to declare the queues in that way.
d)? Advance ryu plugin
e)? Service type definition for service insertion
f)? Handle DB upgrades for Quantum from Folsom to Grizzly
g)? Iptables implementation of Quantum SecurityGroup Extension (LinuxBridge)
h)? LBaaS Tenant API
i)? RPC support for l3 agent(QuantumClient was used before)
j)? Add Quantum Rest Proxy Plugintranslates quantum function calls to authenticated REST request to a set of redundant external network controllers






a)? Implement hosts extension for service status and volume host actions
b)? List bootable volumes from cinder's api(bootable)
c)? putting all the drivers under cinder/volume/drivers/
d)? Add clone_volume functionality to Cinder
e)? Volume Type Scheduler
f)? Add Field to Display the Instance a Volume Is Attached To
g)? Add capability to list snapshots filtred by volume ID
h)? Add a Volume Driver to support EMC storage in Cinder
i)? Add a cinder volume driver to support the HP 3Par array. This is an iSCSI driver.





? ? Nova:相对比较成熟,主要是代码重构,增加Driver。改动比较大的是取消了ComputeManager和Driver的直接数据库访问。后续到G3版本可能会出现Cell的概念,重新实现了类似于Amazon的AvailabilityZone。
??? Quantum:做功能增强,丰富plugin,同时增强L4/L7层网络服务的能力,为后续的LB,FW以及VPN等高级网络功能的实现做基础。
??? Cinder:cinder目前功能应该最弱,extension最少,调度功能插件也最少,所以目前正在完善这两方面,同时也完善了一些API接口的输出形式。同时新增两个Driver(EMC动作很快,宣布加入openstack的第二天就推出了自己的CinderDriver,可见之前是做过很多工作的)
