Sub hxw()
Dim a As interger '表格的最大行数Dim b As interger '表格的最大列数
Dim xinit As Double '插入点x坐标
Dim yinit As Double '插入点y坐标
Dim zinit As Double '插入点z坐标
Dim xinsert As Double '当前单元格的左上角点的x左标
Dim yinsert As Double '当前单元格的左上角点的y左标
Dim ptarray(0 To 2) As Double
Dim x As Integer
Dim y As Integer
For x = 1 To a
For y = 1 To b
Set c = xlsheet.Range(zh(y) + Trim(Str(x)))
Set ma = c.MergeArea
If Left(Trim(ma.Address), 4) = Trim(c.Address) Then
假如c.mergearea的绝对地址 , 如果前4个字符与c单元格的地址相同
xl = "A1:" + ma.Address
xh = xlsheet.Range(ma.Address).Width
yh = xlsheet.Range(ma.Address).Height
Set xlrange = xlsheet.Range(xl)
xinsert = xlrange.Width - xh
yinsert = xlrange.Height - yh
xpoint = xinit + xinsert
ypoint = yinit - yinsert
If x = 1 Then
If ma.Borders(xlEdgeTop).LineStyle <> xlNone Then
ptarray(0) = xpoint
'第一点坐标(数组下标 0 and 1)
ptarray(1) = ypoint
ptarray(2) = xpoint + xh
'第二点坐标(数组下标 2 and 3)
ptarray(3) = ypoint
End If
Lineweight lwployobj, ma.Borders(xlEdgeTop).Weight
End If
If ma.Borders(xlEdgeBottom).LineStyle <> xlNone Then
ptarray(0) = xpoint + xh
'第三点坐标(数组下标 0 and 1)
ptarray(1) = ypoint - yh
ptarray(2) = xpoint
'第四点坐标(数组下标 2 and 3)
ptarray(3) = ypoint–yh
Lineweight lwployobj
End If
If y = 1 Then
If ma.Borders(xlEdgeLeft).LineStyle <> xlNone Then
ptarray(0) = xpoint
'第四点坐标(数组下标 0 and 1)
ptarray(1) = ypoint - yh
ptarray(2) = xpoint
'第一点坐标(数组下标 2 and 3)
ptarray(3) = ypoint
End If
Lineweight lwployobj, ma.Borders(xlEdgeLeft).Weight
End If
If ma.Borders(xlEdgeRight).LineStyle <> xlNone Then
ptarray(0) = xpoint + xh
'第二点坐标(数组下标 0 and 1)
ptarray(1) = ypoint
ptarray(2) = xpoint + xh
'第三点坐标(数组下标 2 and 3)
ptarray(3) = ypoint–yh
Lineweight lwployobj
End If
Set lwployobj = moSpace.AddLightWeightPolyline(ptarray)
With lwployobj.Layer = newlayer.Name
.color = acBlue '指定lwployobj的颜色
End With
Next y
Next x
End Sub
Sub Lineweight(ByVal line As Object, u As Integer)
Select Case u
Case 1
Call line.SetWidth(0, 0.1, 0.1)
Case 2
Call line.SetWidth(0, 0.3, 0.3)
Case -4138
Call line.SetWidth(0, 0.5, 0.5)
Case 4
Call line.SetWidth(0, 1, 1)
Case Else
Call line.SetWidth(0, 0.1, 0.1)
End Select
End Sub
Function zh(pp As Integer) As String
If pp < 26 Then
zh = Chr(64 + pp)
zh = Chr(64 + Int(pp / 26)) + Chr(64 + pp Mod 26)
End If
End Function
' 3、表格文字转换
'在AutoCAD中,文字标注的形式有多种,与Microsoft Excel 单元格区域多行文本内容相对应的是多行文本命令。AutoCAD提供的VBA添加多行文本的命令语句是:
RetVal = object.AddMText(InsertionPoint, Width, Text)
'本程序具体采用的方法是:读取Microsoft Excel文件某一单元格区域里的某第j个字符属性(字体,大小,下划线、上、下脚标,倾斜,加粗),读取Microsoft Excel文件某一单元格区域里的某第j+1个字符属性,如果与第j个字符相同,则二者采用同样的控制符号;若不同,则从第j+1个字符开始,重复前面的工作。
Sub wz()
Char = RTrim(Left(c.Characters.Caption, 256))
If Char <> Empty Then
textStr = ""
For j = 1 To Len(Char)
If c.Characters(j, 1).Font.Underline = xlUnderlineStyleNone Then
cpt = c.Characters(j, 1).Caption
sonstr = ForeFontStr(c, j)
tempstr = ""
Do While j + 1 <= Len(Char)
sonstr1 = ForeFontStr(c, j + 1)
If sonstr1 = sonstr Then
j = j + 1
tempstr = tempstr + c.Characters(j, 1).Caption
Exit Do
End If
textStr = textStr + "{" + sonstr + cpt + tempstr + "}"
cpt = c.Characters(j, 1).Caption
sonstr = ForeFontStr(c, j)
tempstr = ""
Do While j + 1 <= Len(Char)
sonstr1 = ForeFontStr(c, j + 1)
If sonstr1 = sonstr Then
j = j + 1
tempstr = tempstr + c.Characters(j, 1).Caption
Exit Do
End If
textStr = textStr + "{\L" + sonstr + cpt + tempstr + "\l}"
End If
Next j
End If
End Sub
Function ForeFontStr(m As Range, u As Integer) As String
a1 = "\F" + m.Characters(u, 1).Font.Name + ";" '字体
a2 = IIf(m.Characters(u, 1).Font.Superscript = True, "\H0.33x;\A2;", "") ' 注释:上脚标
a3 = IIf(m.Characters(u, 1).Font.Subscript = True, "\H0.33x;\A0;", "") '注释:下脚标
a4 = IIf(m.Characters(u, 1).Font.FontStyle = "倾斜", "\Q18;", "") '注释:倾斜
a5 = IIf(m.Characters(u, 1).Font.FontStyle = "加粗", "\W1.2;", "") '注释:加粗
a6 = IIf(m.Characters(u, 1).Font.FontStyle = "加粗 倾斜", "\W1.2;\Q18;", "") '注释: 加粗倾斜
ForeFontStr = a1 + a2 + a3 + a4 + a5 + a6
End Function
'对文字对象的属性的直接控制来实现,通过with….end with 结构可以很容易地控制文字的高度、图层、颜色、书写方向。由于Mtext文字提供支持的排列位置分为9种,必须根据Microsoft Excel表格文字的排列方式加以合适的判定,然后进行转换。其具体的实现方法详见下面的程序。
Sub kz()
With textObj '文字对象
.Height = textHgt
.Layer = newlayer.Name '设置图层
.color = acRed '设置颜色
.DrawingDirection = 1 '设置书写方向
If (ma.VerticalAlignment = xlTop _
Or ma.VerticalAlignment = xlGeneral) _
And (ma.HorizontalAlignment = xlLeft _
Or ma.HorizontalAlignment = xlGeneral) _
Then .AttachmentPoint = 1 ' 注释:acAttachmentPointTopLeft
If (ma.VerticalAlignment = xlTop _
Or ma.VerticalAlignment = xlGeneral) _
And (ma.HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter _
Or ma.HorizontalAlignment = xlJustify _
Or ma.HorizontalAlignment = xlDistributed) _
Then .AttachmentPoint = 2 '注释:acAttachmentPointTopCenter
If (ma.VerticalAlignment = xlTop _
Or ma.VerticalAlignment = xlGeneral) _
And ma.HorizontalAlignment = xlRight _
Then .AttachmentPoint = 3 '注释:acAttachmentPointTopRight
If (ma.VerticalAlignment = xlCenter _
Or ma.VerticalAlignment = xlJustify _
Or ma.VerticalAlignment = xlDistributed) _
And (ma.HorizontalAlignment = xlLeft _
Or ma.HorizontalAlignment = xlGeneral) _
Then .AttachmentPoint = 4 '注释:acAttachmentPointMiddleLeft
If (ma.VerticalAlignment = xlCenter _
Or ma.VerticalAlignment = xlJustify _
Or ma.VerticalAlignment = xlDistributed) _
And (ma.HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter _
Or ma.HorizontalAlignment = xlJustify _
Or ma.HorizontalAlignment = xlDistributed) _
Then .AttachmentPoint = 5 ' 注释:acAttachmentPointMiddleCenter
If (ma.VerticalAlignment = xlCenter _
Or ma.VerticalAlignment = xlJustify _
Or ma.VerticalAlignment = xlDistributed) _
And ma.HorizontalAlignment = xlRight _
Then .AttachmentPoint = 6 '注释:acAttachmentPointMiddleRight
If ma.VerticalAlignment = xlBottom _
And (ma.HorizontalAlignment = xlLeft _
Or ma.HorizontalAlignment = xlGeneral) _
Then .AttachmentPoint = 7 '注释:acAttachmentPointBottomLeft
If ma.VerticalAlignment = xlBottom _
And (ma.HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter _
Or ma.HorizontalAlignment = xlJustify _
Or ma.HorizontalAlignment = xlDistributed) _
Then .AttachmentPoint = 8 '注释:acAttachmentPointBottomCenter
If ma.VerticalAlignment = xlBottom _
And ma.HorizontalAlignment = xlRight _
Then .AttachmentPoint = 9 '注释:acAttachmentPointBottomRight
End With
End Sub
Dim a As interger '表格的最大行数
Dim b As interger '表格的最大列数