如题友情链接只能有一行 怎么改成自动换行
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<li>CopyRight 2012 版权所有:<%=ComName%> ICP:<%=IcpNumber%> Email:<%=Email%> 站长统计 | <a target="_blank" href="http://www.wcsm.cn/adminlogin/Admin_Login.Asp">后台管理</a> </li>
<li>地 址:<%=Address%> 邮 编:<%=ZipCode%> 电 话:<%=Telephone%> 传 真:<%=Fax%></li>
Function FriendLinks(trs, tds)
Dim rs, sql, tr, td, ProductName, SmallPicPath
Set rs = server.CreateObject("adodb.recordset")
sql = "select top "&trs * tds&" * from Qianbo_FriendLink where ViewFlag order by ID desc"
rs.Open sql, conn, 1, 1
If rs.EOF Then
response.Write "暂无相关信息"
Response.Write "<table cellpadding=""0"" cellspacing=""0"" align=""left"">"&vbCrLf
For tr = 1 To trs
Response.Write " <tr>"&vbCrLf
For td = 1 To tds
If StrLen(rs("LinkFace"))<= 18 Then
LinkFace = rs("LinkFace")
LinkFace = StrLeft(rs("LinkFace"), 16)
End If
Response.Write " <td><table cellpadding=""2"" cellspacing=""0"">"&vbCrLf
Response.Write " <tr>"&vbCrLf
Response.Write " <td align=""center"" height=""38"">"
If rs("LinkType") = 0 Then
Response.Write "<a href="""&rs("LinkUrl")&""" title="""&rs("LinkName")&""">"&LinkFace&"</a>"
Response.Write "<a href="""&rs("LinkUrl")&""" target=""_blank""><img src="""&rs("LinkFace")&""" alt="请问ASP友情链接不自动换行有关问题""&rs("LinkName")&""" width=""88"" height=""31"" /></a>"
End If
Response.Write "</td>"&vbCrLf
Response.Write " </tr>"&vbCrLf
Response.Write " </table></td>"&vbCrLf
Response.Write " <td width=""8""></td>"&vbCrLf
If rs.EOF Then Exit For
Response.Write " </tr>"&vbCrLf
If rs.EOF Then Exit For
Response.Write "</table>"&vbCrLf
End If
Set rs = Nothing
End Function
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