select RPAD(substring(b.Name,1,1),3,'*') as Name,a.NoteID as NoterID, a.Noter as Noter, a.Title as Title,
IFNULL(CONVERT(a.Body USING utf8), "") as "Body",
DATE_FORMAT(a.NoteTime,'%Y-%m-%d %H:%i:%s') as "CreateTime"
from T_SYS_NOTES as a join T_C_CUSTOMERS as b on a.Noter=b.CustomerID
where 20121116140409 in(a.NoteID, a.ParentNoteID) and a.Status=0 and a.ParentNoteID not in (0)
union all
select "游客" as Name, a.NoteID as NoterID, a.Noter as Noter, a.Title as Title,
IFNULL(CONVERT(a.Body USING utf8), "") as "Body",
DATE_FORMAT(a.NoteTime,'%Y-%m-%d %H:%i:%s') as "CreateTime"
from T_SYS_NOTES as a where 20121116140409 in(a.NoteID, a.ParentNoteID)
and a.Status=0 and a.Noter is null and a.ParentNoteID not in (0)
order by CreateTime asc limit 10;
效率建议:不要用not in 用not exists