Private Sub cmdUpdate_Click()
On Error GoTo errHandler:
Dim str As String
str = txtSerial.Text
With DataEnv.rsStudent
.Fields("Serial") = txtSerial.Text
.Fields("name") = txtName.Text
.Fields("class") = dcbClass.Text
.Fields("sex") = cboSex.Text
.Fields("birthday") = txtBirthday.Text
.Fields("address") = txtAddress.Text
.Fields("tel") = txtTelephone.Text
.Fields("resume") = txtResume.Text
Call WriteImage(.Fields("photo"), mstrFileName)
End With
cmdReport.Caption = "报表(&R)"
cmdUpdate.Enabled = False
fraInfo.Enabled = False
mbClose = True
If DataEnv.rssqlSeek.State = adStateClosed Then DataEnv.rssqlSeek.Open
Call RefreshGrid
Call ChangeBrowseState
DataEnv.rssqlSeek.Find "serial='" & str & "'"
fraSeek.Enabled = True
fraBrowse.Enabled = True
grdScan.Enabled = True
Exit Sub
MsgBox Err.Description, vbCritical, " 错误"
End Sub
Private Sub dcbClass_Click(Area As Integer)
If txtSerial = "" Then
txtSerial = dcbClass.Text
End If
End Sub
Private Sub Form_Load()
On Error Resume Next
Dim rsDep As New ADODB.Recordset, rsClass As New ADODB.Recordset
Set rsDep = DataEnv.rsDepartment
Set rsClass = DataEnv.rsClass
cboDep.AddItem "全部"
cboDep.ItemData(0) = 0
While Not rsDep.EOF
cboDep.AddItem rsDep("Name")
cboDep.ItemData(cboDep.ListCount - 1) = rsDep("id")
cboDep.ListIndex = 0
cboClass.AddItem "全部"
While Not rsClass.EOF
cboClass.AddItem rsClass("Name")
cboClass.ListIndex = 0
cmdList.Value = True
fraManage.Enabled = True
fraBrowse.Enabled = True
fraSeek.Enabled = True
grdScan.Enabled = True
mbClose = True
Call grdScan_Change
End Sub
Private Sub Form_QueryUnload(Cancel As Integer, UnloadMode As Integer)
If Not mbClose Then
MsgBox "数据正被修改,窗口不能关闭", vbCritical, "错误"
Cancel = True
End If
End Sub
Private Sub grdScan_Change()
If grdScan.ApproxCount > 0 Then
Call SeekStudent(grdScan.Columns(0).CellText(grdScan.Bookmark))
End If
End Sub
Private Sub grdScan_RowColChange(LastRow As Variant, ByVal LastCol As Integer)
If LastRow <> grdScan.Bookmark Then
If grdScan.ApproxCount > 0 Then
Call SeekStudent(grdScan.Columns(0).CellText(grdScan.Bookmark))
End If
End If
End Sub
Private Sub WriteImage(ByRef Fld As ADODB.Field, DiskFile As String)
Dim byteData() As Byte '定义数据块数组
Dim NumBlocks As Long '定义数据块个数
Dim FileLength As Long '标识文件长度
Dim LeftOver As Long '定义剩余字节长度
Dim SourceFile As Long '定义自由文件号
Dim i As Long '定义循环变量
Const BLOCKSIZE = 4096 '每次读写块的大小
SourceFile = FreeFile '提供一个尚未使用的文件号
Open DiskFile For Binary Access Read As SourceFile '打开文件
FileLength = LOF(SourceFile) '得到文件长度
If FileLength = 0 Then '判断文件是否存在
Close SourceFile
MsgBox DiskFile & "无 内 容 或 不 存 在 !"
NumBlocks = FileLength \ BLOCKSIZE '得到数据块的个数
LeftOver = FileLength Mod BLOCKSIZE '得到剩余字节数
Fld.Value = Null
ReDim byteData(BLOCKSIZE) '重新定义数据块的大小
For i = 1 To NumBlocks
Get SourceFile, , byteData() ' 读到内存块中
Fld.AppendChunk byteData() '写入FLD
Next i
ReDim byteData(LeftOver) '重新定义数据块的大小
Get SourceFile, , byteData() '读到内存块中
Fld.AppendChunk byteData() '写入FLD
Close SourceFile '关闭源文件
End If
End Sub
错误出现在哪行 我们也不是超人 看不懂这些是什么
Private Sub cmdUpdate_Click()
On Error GoTo errHandler:
Dim str As String
str = txtSerial.Text
With DataEnv.rsStudent
.Fields("Serial") = txtSerial.Text
.Fields("name") = txtName.Text
.Fields("class") = dcbClass.Text
.Fields("sex") = cboSex.Text
.Fields("birthday") = txtBirthday.Text
.Fields("address") = txtAddress.Text
.Fields("tel") = txtTelephone.Text
.Fields("resume") = txtResume.Text
Call WriteImage(.Fields("photo"), mstrFileName)
End With
cmdReport.Caption = "报表(&R)"
cmdUpdate.Enabled = False
fraInfo.Enabled = False
mbClose = True
If DataEnv.rssqlSeek.State = adStateClosed Then DataEnv.rssqlSeek.Open
Call RefreshGrid
Call ChangeBrowseState
DataEnv.rssqlSeek.Find "serial='" & str & "'"
fraSeek.Enabled = True
fraBrowse.Enabled = True
grdScan.Enabled = True
Exit Sub
MsgBox Err.Description, vbCritical, " 错误"
End Sub
Private Sub dcbClass_Click(Area As Integer)
If txtSerial = "" Then
txtSerial = dcbClass.Text
End If
End Sub
Private Sub Form_Load()
On Error Resume Next
Dim rsDep As New ADODB.Recordset, rsClass As New ADODB.Recordset
Set rsDep = DataEnv.rsDepartment
Set rsClass = DataEnv.rsClass
cboDep.AddItem "全部"
cboDep.ItemData(0) = 0
While Not rsDep.EOF
cboDep.AddItem rsDep("Name")
cboDep.ItemData(cboDep.ListCount - 1) = rsDep("id")
cboDep.ListIndex = 0
cboClass.AddItem "全部"
While Not rsClass.EOF
cboClass.AddItem rsClass("Name")
cboClass.ListIndex = 0
cmdList.Value = True
fraManage.Enabled = True
fraBrowse.Enabled = True
fraSeek.Enabled = True
grdScan.Enabled = True
mbClose = True
Call grdScan_Change
End Sub
Private Sub Form_QueryUnload(Cancel As Integer, UnloadMode As Integer)
If Not mbClose Then
MsgBox "数据正被修改,窗口不能关闭", vbCritical, "错误"
Cancel = True
End If
End Sub
Private Sub grdScan_Change()
If grdScan.ApproxCount > 0 Then
Call SeekStudent(grdScan.Columns(0).CellText(grdScan.Bookmark))
End If
End Sub
Private Sub grdScan_RowColChange(LastRow As Variant, ByVal LastCol As Integer)
If LastRow <> grdScan.Bookmark Then
If grdScan.ApproxCount > 0 Then
Call SeekStudent(grdScan.Columns(0).CellText(grdScan.Bookmark))
End If
End If
End Sub
Private Sub WriteImage(ByRef Fld As ADODB.Field, DiskFile As String)
Dim byteData() As Byte '定义数据块数组
Dim NumBlocks As Long '定义数据块个数
Dim FileLength As Long '标识文件长度
Dim LeftOver As Long '定义剩余字节长度
Dim SourceFile As Long '定义自由文件号
Dim i As Long '定义循环变量
Const BLOCKSIZE = 4096 '每次读写块的大小
SourceFile = FreeFile '提供一个尚未使用的文件号
Open DiskFile For Binary Access Read As SourceFile '打开文件 FileLength = LOF(SourceFile) '得到文件长度
If FileLength = 0 Then '判断文件是否存在
Close SourceFile
MsgBox DiskFile & "无 内 容 或 不 存 在 !"
NumBlocks = FileLength \ BLOCKSIZE '得到数据块的个数
LeftOver = FileLength Mod BLOCKSIZE '得到剩余字节数
Fld.Value = Null
ReDim byteData(BLOCKSIZE) '重新定义数据块的大小
For i = 1 To NumBlocks
Get SourceFile, , byteData() ' 读到内存块中
Fld.AppendChunk byteData() '写入FLD
Next i
ReDim byteData(LeftOver) '重新定义数据块的大小
Get SourceFile, , byteData() '读到内存块中
Fld.AppendChunk byteData() '写入FLD
Close SourceFile '关闭源文件
End If