CREATE TABLE [dbo].[xs]( [rq] [date] NULL, [SPID] [int] NOT NULL, [je] [decimal](38, 2) NULL ) ON [PRIMARY] GO
DECLARE @loop INT DECLARE @rq DATETIME DECLARE @je DECIMAL(20,2) SET @rq = CONVERT(VARCHAR(10),DATEADD(MONTH,-3,GETDATE()),121) WHILE @rq < GETDATE() BEGIN SELECT @loop = 1 WHILE @loop <= 200 BEGIN SELECT @je = RAND() * 1000.00,@loop = @loop + 1 INSERT INTO XS (rq,SPID,je) VALUES(@rq,@loop,@je) END SET @rq = DATEADD(DAY,1,@rq) END
[最优解释] with TB as ( select SPID,SUM(je) as je,ROW_NUMBER() over(order by sum(je) desc) as rowid from XS where rq>DATEADD(month,-3,getdate()) group by spid ) ----全部商品分类 select SPID,je,case when (select SUM(je) from TB where rowid<=a.rowid)/(select SUM(je) from XS where rq>DATEADD(month,-3,getdate()))*100<80 then 'A' when (select SUM(je) from TB where rowid<=a.rowid)/(select SUM(je) from XS where rq>DATEADD(month,-3,getdate()))*100 between 80 and 95 then 'B' else 'C' end 类别 from TB as a [其他解释]
--是否这个意思? ;with cte_test as ( select *, rowid= row_number() over (partition by spid order by je desc) ,cnt = (select count(*) from xs where spid=a.spid and rq between dateadd(month,-3,getdate()) and getdate()) from xs as a where rq between dateadd(month,-3,getdate()) and getdate() ) select rq,spid,je, type= case when rowid <= 0.8 * cnt then 'A' when rowid>0.8*cnt and rowid<= 0.95*cnt then 'B' else 'C' end from cte_test
declare @c decimal(38,2) select @c=sum(je) from xs ;with c1 as( select *,rn=row_number()over(order by je desc),0 as s from xs ),c2 as( select rq,spid,je,rn,je as s,'a' as flg from c1 where rn=1 union all select a.rq,a.spid,,a.rn, as s, (case when<@c*0.8 then 'a' when<0.95 then 'b' else 'c' end) as flg from c1 a inner join c2 b on a.rn=b.rn+1 where a.s=0 and b.s>0 ) select rq,spid,je,flg from c2 OPTION (MAXRECURSION 0)
declare @c decimal(38,2) select @c=sum(je) from xs select *,identity(int,1,1) as rn,convert(decimal(38,2),0.00) as s into #c1 from xs order by je desc update #c1 set s=je where rn=1 while exists(select 1 from #c1 where s=0) update a set from #c1 a inner join #c1 b on a.rn=b.rn+1 where a.s=0 and b.s>0 select rq,spid,je,(case when s<@c*0.8 then 'a' when s<@c*0.95 then 'b' else 'c' end)as flg from #c1 order by spid go drop table #c1
不过也差不多得四分钟(在我的机器上)才能执行完. [其他解释] 语句别这么贴 ,出来乱七八糟的 还得重新排版 。 [其他解释] CREATE TABLE [dbo].[xs]( [rq] [date] NULL, [SPID] [int] NOT NULL, [je] [decimal](38, 2) NULL ) ON [PRIMARY] GO
DECLARE @loop INT DECLARE @rq DATETIME DECLARE @je DECIMAL(20,2) SET @rq = CONVERT(VARCHAR(10),DATEADD(MONTH,-3,GETDATE()),121) WHILE @rq < GETDATE() BEGIN SELECT @loop = 1 WHILE @loop <= 200 BEGIN SELECT @je = RAND() * 1000.00,@loop = @loop + 1 INSERT INTO XS (rq,SPID,je) VALUES(@rq,@loop,@je) END SET @rq = DATEADD(DAY,1,@rq) END
[其他解释] with TB as ( select SPID,SUM(je) as je,ROW_NUMBER() over(order by sum(je) desc) as rowid from XS where rq>DATEADD(month,-3,getdate()) group by spid ) ---80%的商品 select SPID,je from TB as a where (select SUM(je) from TB where rowid<=a.rowid)/(select SUM(je) from XS where rq>DATEADD(month,-3,getdate()))*100<80 [其他解释]