有大神desktop qml中直接用中文吗?
用的就是 utf8,不行唉,搞不懂;
你新建一个工程,什么也不改,就光把那上面的Hello World换成汉字,试试看能不能行
这么神奇啊。mark ,求答案。
qml有好几种编码的?其中main.qml一定是utf8的!其他UltraEdit另存为utf8文件行不? 还有好多c++文件呢?
At compile time, the include and lib folders of the ICU installation must be appended to INCLUDE and LIB environment variables after calling the setup script of the Windows SDK.
At run-time, the ICU DLLs need to be found. This can be achieved by copying the DLLs to the application folder or adding the bin folder of the ICU installation to the PATH environment variable.
问题还没解决吗?你新建的hello world工程不是可以吗?把你的代码转移到那个hello world工程上不就行了吗?
margins: container.margin
Text {
id: titleText
smooth: true
clip: true
anchors {
top: titleIcon.top
bottom: titleIcon.bottom
left: titleIcon.right
right: exitButton.left
leftMargin: container.margin
rightMargin: container.margin
color: container.fontColor
font {
bold: container.fontBold
family: container.fontName
pointSize: container.fontSize
text: container.text
elide: Text.ElideLeft
textFormat: Text.RichText
wrapMode: Text.Wrap
verticalAlignment: Text.AlignVCenter
horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignHCenter
TitleBarButton {
id: exitButton
visible: !showingBackButton
width: container.height
height: container.height
scale: 0.8
anchors.top: container.top
anchors.right: container.right
anchors.margins: 0
bgImage: container.exitButtonSource
bgImagePressed: container.exitButtonPressedSource
onClicked: {
TitleBarButton {
visible: showingBackButton
y: 10
anchors.top: container.top
anchors.right: container.right
anchors.margins: 0
width: container.height
height: container.height
scale: 0.8
bgImage: container.backButtonSource
bgImagePressed: container.backButtonPressedSource
onClicked: {
exitButtonSource: visual.theme.images.exitButton
exitButtonPressedSource: visual.theme.images.exitButtonPressed
fontBold: true
fontName: visual.theme.titleBarFont
fontSize: visual.theme.titleBarFontSize
fontColor: visual.theme.titlebarFontColor
color: visual.theme.titleBarBackgroundColor
height: visual.theme.titleBarHeight
text: qsTr("手机信息")//appState.currentTitle
iconSource: visual.theme.images.rssLogo
showingBackButton: appState.showBackButton
onBackButtonClicked: {
//Util.log("Back-button clicked. Came from view: " + viewName);
if (viewName === "feedView") {
appState.fromLeft = true;
appState.currentViewName = "categoryView";
} else if (viewName === "feedItemView") {
appState.fromLeft = true;
appState.currentViewName = "feedView";
} else if (viewName === "discoveryView") {
appState.fromLeft = false;
appState.currentViewName = "categoryView";
} else if (viewName === "settingsView") {
appState.fromLeft = false;
appState.currentViewName = "categoryView";
else if (viewName === "gamelistView") {
appState.fromLeft = false;
appState.currentViewName = "categoryView";
onExitButtonClicked: {
//Util.exitApp("Exit-button clicked");
汉字在win7 qt qml下不能作为属性传递吗? 崩溃
QString::fromUTF8("中文") 试试
难道是qt的bug???很容易复现,建一个qml的helloworld,然后main.qml 用上面的TitleBar改写如下:
甭管 QTextCodec::setCodecForTr,QTextCodec::setCodecForLocale,QTextCodec::setCodecForCStrings怎么设置都不对。
import QtQuick 1.1
Rectangle {
width: 360
height: 360
TitleBar {
id: titleBar
anchors {
top: mainWindow.top
left: mainWindow.left
right: mainWindow.right
height: 100
text: qsTr("手机信息")//appState.currentTitle
MouseArea {
anchors.fill: parent
onClicked: {
我试了下你给的代码, 新建了main.qml TitleBar.qml2个文件。删除了部分内容,所有内容如下。是能正常显示中文的。
我的环境是64bit win7,mingw版本 Qt4.7.4 4.8.2 ,msvc版本 4.8.3
import QtQuick 1.1
Rectangle {
width: 360
height: 360
TitleBar {
id: titleBar
anchors {
top: mainWindow.top
left: mainWindow.left
right: mainWindow.right
height: 100
text: qsTr("手机信息")//appState.currentTitle
MouseArea {
anchors.fill: parent
onClicked: {
import QtQuick 1.1
Rectangle {
id: container
property bool showingBackButton: false
property int margin: 8
property string iconSource: "gfx/placeholder_icon.png"
property string backButtonSource: "gfx/back_button.png"
property string backButtonPressedSource: "gfx/back_button_pressed.png"
property string exitButtonSource: "gfx/exit_button.png"
property string exitButtonPressedSource: "gfx/exit_button_pressed.png"
property string text: "TITLE"
property string fontName: "Helvetica"
property int fontSize: 24
property color fontColor: "black"
property bool fontBold: false
signal exitButtonClicked
signal backButtonClicked(string viewName)
// Default values, change when using
width: 360
height: 80
color: "lightgray"
Image {
id: titleIcon
source: parent.iconSource
fillMode: "PreserveAspectFit"
smooth: true
height: container.height-2*margin
anchors {
left: parent.left
verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
margins: container.margin
Text {
id: titleText
smooth: true
clip: true
anchors {
top: titleIcon.top
bottom: titleIcon.bottom
left: titleIcon.right
right: exitButton.left
leftMargin: container.margin
rightMargin: container.margin
color: container.fontColor
font {
bold: container.fontBold
family: container.fontName
pointSize: container.fontSize
text: container.text
elide: Text.ElideLeft
textFormat: Text.RichText
wrapMode: Text.Wrap
verticalAlignment: Text.AlignVCenter
horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignHCenter