最近Paulo P. Marinas对FlexiGrid做了修改,以适应jQuery 1.4.2。看了下作者列出来的特性表,该表很长,但与过去比,却没有增加什么新功能,所以版本号不做修改,仍然是1.0b3。
// apply default propertiesp = $.extend({ height: 200, //default height width: 'auto', //auto width striped: true, //apply odd even stripes novstripe: false, minwidth: 30, //min width of columns minheight: 80, //min height of columns resizable: true, //resizable table url: false, //ajax url method: 'POST', // data sending method dataType: 'xml', // type of data loaded errormsg: 'Connection Error', usepager: false, // nowrap: true, // page: 1, //current page total: 1, //total pages useRp: true, //use the results per page select box rp: 15, // results per page rpOptions: [10, 15, 20, 25, 40], title: false, pagestat: 'Displaying {from} to {to} of {total} items', procmsg: 'Processing, please wait ...', query: '', qtype: '', nomsg: 'No items', minColToggle: 1, //minimum allowed column to be hidden showToggleBtn: true, //show or hide column toggle popup hideOnSubmit: true, autoload: true, blockOpacity: 0.5, onToggleCol: false, onChangeSort: false, onSuccess: false, onSubmit: false // using a custom populate function},p);?< link rel = "stylesheet"href = "flexigrid/flexigrid.css"type = "text/css" > </link> <script type="text/javascript " src="jquery / jquery.1.3.2.mini.js "></script> <script type="text / javascript " src="flexigrid / flexigrid.js "></script>"
?? 添加工具按钮图标样式:
< style type = "text/css" > /* === 增加工具按钮图标样式 ====*/.flexigrid div.fbutton.add { padding - left: 20px; background: url(images / row_add.gif) no - repeat center left;}.flexigrid div.fbutton.edit { padding - left: 20px; background: url(images / row_edit.gif) no - repeat center left;}.flexigrid div.fbutton.delete { padding - left: 20px; background: url(images / row_delete.gif) no - repeat center left;}.flexigrid div.fbutton.reset { padding - left: 20px; background: url(images / user_reset.gif) no - repeat center left;}.flexigrid div.fbutton.excel { padding - left: 20px; background: url(images / excel.gif) no - repeat center left;} < /style>/
??? 为了方便以后使用,上面这段样式可以加入到flexigrid.css文件中。
<table id="grid" style="display:none"></table>
??? 如果要增加/编辑数据,还要加入下面这样的HTML代码:
<div id="dialog_div" style='display:none'> <form id="dialog_form" name="dialog_form" action=""> <table width="100%" type="text" id="username" />*八位数字 <input name="user_id" type="hidden" id="user_id" /> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>真实姓名:</td> <td><input name="name" type="text" id="name" /></td> </tr> <tr> <td>市县机构:</td> <td>{{$input.html_sxjg}}</td> </tr> <tr> <td>营业机构:</td> <td>{{$input.html_yyjg}}</td> </tr> <tr> <td>分配角色:</td> <td>{{$input.html_auth}}</td> </tr> </table> </form></div>?
< script type = "text/javascript" > $(function() { // 表单中的文本输入栏绑定 inputtxt 样式类 $('#dialog_form input:text').addClass('inputtxt'); $("#grid").flexigrid({ url: '{{url controller='Ghgl ' action='GetPagerData '}}', //url:'index.php?ctl=User&act=GetJsonData', dataType: 'json', colModel: [ { display: '序号', name: 'seq', width: 40, sortable: false, align: 'center' }, { display: '#ID', name: 'user_id', width: 40, sortable: true, align: 'left', hide: true }, { display: '操作工号', name: 'username', width: 70, sortable: true, align: 'left' }, { display: '真实姓名', name: 'name', width: 60, sortable: false, align: 'left' }, { display: '分配角色', name: 'role', width: 80, sortable: false, align: 'left' }, { display: '市县单位', name: 'sxmc', width: 120, sortable: false, align: 'left' }, { display: '营业机构', name: 'jgmc', width: 120, sortable: true, align: 'left' }, { display: '工号创建时间', name: 'created', width: 110, sortable: false, align: 'left', hide: false }, { display: '密码更新时间', name: 'pwdupdated', width: 110, sortable: false, align: 'left', hide: false } ], searchitems: [ { display: '用户工号', name: 'username' }, { display: '用户姓名', name: 'name', isdefault: true }, { display: '市县单位', name: 'sxmc' }, { display: '营业机构', name: 'jgmc' } ], sortname: "sx_id, jg_id, username", sortorder: "DESC", title: '<font color="#336699">操作工号维护</font>', usepager: true, useRp: true, rp: 15, showTableToggleBtn: false, width: 600, height: 400, striped: true, //onSubmit: addFormData, pagestat: '当前显示记录 {from} 到 {to} 条,总 {total} 条', procmsg: '正在处理,请稍等 ...', nomsg: '找不到符合条件的资料!', errormsg: '连接后台失败!', buttons: [ { name: '添加', bclass: 'add', onpress: opt }, { name: '修改', bclass: 'edit', onpress: opt }, { name: '删除', bclass: 'delete', onpress: opt }, { separator: true }, { name: '导出EXCEL', bclass: 'excel', onpress: opt } ] }); /** * 添加/修改对话框 */ $('#dialog_div').dialog({ hide: '', //点击取消后隐藏,如果设为true,则无法关闭弹窗。 autoOpen: false, width: 340, //height:230, modal: true, //蒙层 //title:'单位资料添加/修改', overlay: { opacity: 0.5, background: "black" }, buttons: { '关闭': function() { $(this).dialog("close"); }, '重置': function() { $(this).children('form')[0].reset(); }, '提交': function() { addUpdate(); } } }); /** * 点击工具条按钮操作 */ function opt(com, grid) { switch (com) { case '添加': $('.ui-dialog-title').html('<font color="#336699">添加操作工号</font>'); $('#dialog_form input[name=user_id]')[0].value = ''; $('#dialog_div').dialog('open').children('form')[0].reset(); break; case '修改': $('.ui-dialog-title').html('<font color="#336699">修改操作工号</font>'); selected_count = $('.trSelected', grid).length; if (selected_count == 0) { JAlert('请选择一条记录。', '消息提示'); return false; } if (selected_count > 1) { jAlert('抱歉每次只能修改一条记录。', '消息提示'); return false; } // 读取表格所选行数据 var data = new Array(); $('.trSelected td', grid).each(function(i) { data[i] = $(this).children('div').text(); }); //alert(data);// 初始化编辑数据界面数据 $('#dialog_form input[name=user_id]')[0].value = data[1]; $('#dialog_form input[name=username]')[0].value = data[2]; $('#dialog_form input[name=name]')[0].value = data[3]; $.ajax({ url: '{{url controller='Ghgl ' action='GetUpdData '}}', data: { user_id: data[1] }, type: 'POST', dataType: 'json', success: function(data) { //alert($('#jg_id').options); var jg_slt = $('#dialog_form #jg_id option'); var jg_len = jg_slt.length; if (jg_len > 0) { setSelected(jg_slt, data.jg_id); } var auth_radio = $('#dialog_form input:radio'); //alert(auth_radio.length); if (auth_radio.length > 0) { setChecked(auth_radio, data.auth); } } }); $('#dialog_div').dialog('open'); break; case '删除': selected_count = $('.trSelected', grid).length; if (selected_count == 0) { jAlert('请选择一条记录。', '消息提示'); return false; } if (selected_count > 1) { jAlert('抱歉每次只能删除一条记录。', '消息提示'); return false; } var names = ''; $('.trSelected td:nth-child(4) div', grid).each(function(i) { if (i) { names += ','; } names += $(this).text(); }); var ids = ''; $('.trSelected td:nth-child(2) div', grid).each(function(i) { if (i) { ids += ','; } ids += $(this).text(); }) /* if (ids == '') { alert('请选择删除记录,允许同时选择多条记录。'); return; }*/ /* if(confirm("确认删除[" + names + "]的用户工号吗?")){ del(ids); }*/ jConfirm("确认删除[<font color='#FF0000'>" + names + "</font>]的用户工号吗?", '删除确认', function(btn) { if (btn) { del(ids); } }); break; case '导出EXCEL': document.location.href = "{{url controller='Ghgl' action='Export'}}"; break; } } /** * 添加记录 */ function addUpdate() { $('#dialog_form').ajaxSubmit({ //$('#dialog_form').ajaxform({ url: "{{url controller='Ghgl' action='Save'}}", type: 'POST', dataType: 'json', resetForm: true, success: function(data) { if (data.success) { $('#grid').flexReload(); $('#dialog_div').dialog('close'); } else { jAlert(data.msg, '消息提示'); return false; } }, error: function() {} }); }; /** * 删除记录 */ function del(ids) { $.ajax({ url: "{{url controller='Ghgl' action='Del'}}", data: { ids: ids }, type: 'POST', dataType: 'json', success: function(data) { if (data.success) { $('#grid').flexReload(); } else { jAlert(data.msg, '消息提示'); return false; } } }); }; /** * 重置密码 */ function reset(id) { $.ajax({ url: "{{url controller='Ghgl' action='Reset'}}", data: { user_id: id }, type: 'POST', dataType: 'json', success: function(data) { if (data.success) { jAlert(data.msg, '消息提示'); return; } else { jAlert(data.msg, '错误提示'); return false; } }, error: function() {} }); }; // 根据 value 初始化下拉列表框 function setSelected(slt, value) { for (var i = 0; i < slt.length; i++) { if (slt[i].value == value) { slt[i].selected = true; } else { slt[i].selected = false; } } }; // 根据 value 初始化单选按钮 function setChecked(slt, value) { for (var i = 0; i < slt.length; i++) { if (slt[i].value == value) { slt[i].checked = true; } else { slt[i].checked = false; } } };}); < /script>/
// 读取表格所选行数据var data = new Array();$('.trSelected td', grid).each(function(i) { data[i] = $(this).children('div').text();});//alert(data);
?为读取表格所选行数据,通过$('.trSelected td', grid)来读取。
var ids = ''; $('.trSelected td:nth-child(2) div',grid).each(function(i){ if(i){ ids += ','; } ids += $(this).text(); })
?为读取所选行单元格数据代码,通过:$('.trSelected td:nth-child(2) div',grid)来读取,如果允许多选,读取回来的是一个数组值。注意:td:nth-child(2)的意思为所选行的第二个单元格,因为:nth-child(index)的索引值从1起。
??? 其中:
??? name:设置按钮文字
??? separator:设置是否显示分隔线
??? bclass:设置按钮样式,示例:
< style > .flexigrid div.fbutton.add { background: url(.. / lib / jquery / flexigrid / css / images / row_add.gif) no - repeat center left;}.flexigrid div.fbutton.edit { background: url(.. / lib / jquery / flexigrid / css / images / row_edit.gif) no - repeat center left;}.flexigrid div.fbutton.delete { background: url(.. / lib / jquery / flexigrid / css / images / row_delete.gif) no - repeat center left;}.flexigrid div.fbutton.reset { background: url(.. / images / user_reset.gif) no - repeat center left;}.flexigrid div.fbutton.excel { background: url(.. / images / excel.gif) no - repeat center left;} < /style>
??? onpress:点击按钮时触发的事件,接受button的name为第一个参数,grid为第二个参数的一个function。
??? 示例代码:
/** * 点击工具条按钮操作 */function opt(com, grid) { switch (com) { case '添加': ... break; case '修改': ... break; case '删除': ... break; case '导出EXCEL': ... break; }}?
function runSQL($rsql) { $connect = mysql_connect($hostname,$username,$password) or die ("Error: could not connect to database"); $db = mysql_select_db($dbname); $result = mysql_query($rsql) or die ('test'); return $result; mysql_close($connect);}function countRec($fname,$tname) { $sql = "SELECT count($fname) FROM $tname "; $result = runSQL($sql); while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { return $row[0]; }}$page = $_POST['page'];$rp = $_POST['rp'];$sortname = $_POST['sortname'];$sortorder = $_POST['sortorder'];if (!$sortname) $sortname = 'name';if (!$sortorder) $sortorder = 'desc';$sort = "ORDER BY $sortname $sortorder";if (!$page) $page = 1;if (!$rp) $rp = 10;$start = (($page-1) * $rp);$limit = "LIMIT $start, $rp";$sql = "SELECT iso,name,printable_name,iso3,numcode FROM country $sort $limit";$result = runSQL($sql);$total = countRec('iso','country');// 生成json格式数据header("Expires: Mon, 26 Jul 1997 05:00:00 GMT" );header("Last-Modified: " . gmdate( "D, d M Y H:i:s" ) . "GMT" );header("Cache-Control: no-cache, must-revalidate" );header("Pragma: no-cache" );header("Content-type: text/x-json");$json = "";$json .= "{\n";$json .= "page: $page,\n";$json .= "total: $total,\n";$json .= "rows: [";$rc = false;while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { if ($rc) $json .= ","; $json .= "\n{"; $json .= "id:'".$row['iso']."',"; $json .= "cell:['".$row['iso']."'"; $json .= ",'".addslashes($row['name'])."'"; $json .= ",'".addslashes($row['printable_name'])."'"; $json .= ",'".addslashes($row['iso3'])."'"; $json .= ",'".addslashes($row['numcode'])."']"; $json .= "}"; $rc = true;}$json .= "]\n";$json .= "}";echo $json;
/** * 返回JSON分页数据到前台 * */ function actionGetPagerData() { $user = $this->user; $page = ($_POST['page']) ? $_POST['page'] : 1; $limit = ($_POST['rp'])?$_POST['rp'] : 15; $sortname = ($_POST['sortname']) ? $_POST['sortname'] : 'username'; $sortorder = ($_POST['sortorder']) ? $_POST['sortorder'] : 'DESC'; $sort = "$sortname $sortorder"; $offset = ($page - 1) * $limit; $query = ($_POST['query']) ? trim($_POST['query']) : ''; $qtype = ($_POST['qtype']) ? trim($_POST['qtype']) : ''; if ($qtype == 'name' || $qtype == 'sxmc') { $query = mb_convert_encoding($query, 'GB2312', 'utf-8'); } if ($user['RBAC_ROLES'][0] == 'SYSTEM_ADMIN') { $conditions = array( array('auth', 1, '=', 'OR'), array('auth', 2, '='), ); } elseif ($user['RBAC_ROLES'][0] == 'POWER_USER') { $conditions = array( array('sx_id', $user['SXID'], '=', 'AND'), array('auth', 3, '=', 'OR'), array('sx_id', $user['SXID'], '=', 'AND'), array('auth', 4, '='), ); } if ($query && $user['RBAC_ROLES'][0] == 'POWER_USER') { $conditions = array( array('sx_id', $user['SXID'], '=', 'AND'), array($qtype, $query, '=') ); } if ($qtype == 'name' && $query != '' && $user['RBAC_ROLES'][0] == 'POWER_USER') { $conditions = array( array('sx_id', $user['SXID'], '=', 'AND'), array($qtype, '%' . $query . '%', 'LIKE') ); } if ($qtype == 'sxmc' && $query != '' && $user['RBAC_ROLES'][0] == 'SYSTEM_ADMIN') { $cxtj = array( array('sxmc', '%' . $query . '%', 'LIKE') ); $sxjg = & FLEA::getSingleton('Table_Sxjg'); $row = $sxjg->find($cxtj); $conditions = array( array('sx_id', $row['SXID'], '=', 'AND'), array('auth', 1, '=', 'OR'), array('sx_id', $row['SXID'], '=', 'AND'), array('auth', 2, '='), ); } if ($qtype == 'jgmc' && $query != '' && $user['RBAC_ROLES'][0] == 'POWER_USER') { $cxtj = array( array('sx_id', $this->user['SXID'], '=', 'AND'), array('jgmc', '%' . $query . '%', 'LIKE') ); $tblYyjg = & FLEA::getSingleton('Table_Yyjg'); $row = $tblYyjg->find($cxtj); $conditions = array( array('sx_id', $this->user['SXID'], '=', 'AND'), array('jg_id', $row['jg_id'], '=') ); } //$conditions = null; $this->_tblUsers->enableLinks(); $rows = $this->_tblUsers->findAll($conditions, $sort, array($limit, $offset)); $rs = $this->_tblUsers->findAll($conditions); $total = count($rs); $json = ""; $json .= "{\n"; $json .= "page: $page,\n"; $json .= "total: $total,\n"; $json .= "rows: ["; $rc = false; $i = 1; foreach ($rows as $row) { if ($rc) $json .= ","; $json .= "\n{"; $json .= "user_id:'".$row['user_id']."',"; $json .= "cell:['".$i."'"; $json .= ",'".$row['user_id']."'"; $json .= ",'".$row['username']."'"; $json .= ",'".$row['name']."'"; $json .= ",'".$row['roles'][0]['rolename_cn']."'"; $json .= ",'".$row['sxjg']['sxmc']."'"; $json .= ",'".addslashes($row['yyjg']['jgmc'])."'"; $json .= ",'".$row['created']."'"; //$json .= ",'".$row['updated']."']"; $json .= ",'".$row['pwdupdated']."']"; $json .= "}"; $rc = true; $i++; } $json .= "]\n"; $json .= "}"; echo $json; exit; }
qop: "Eq", //搜索的操作符showcheckbox: false, //是否在列首添加checkboxrowhandler: false, //在生成行时绑定事件,如双击,右键等rowbinddata: false, // 是否在行上绑定数据extParam: {}, // 扩展外部参数动态注册到grid,实现如自定义查询等操作onrowchecked: false, // checkbox选中状态发生变化时触发的事件gridClass: "bbit-grid" //绑定样式
btnText: 设置工具按钮附加文本,原来的为displayname,我这里改成了btnText。
buttons:[ {name: 'Add', btnText: "新增", bclass: 'add', onpress: function(Add, grid){alert('这是新增操作。');return false;}}, {name: 'Edit', btnText: "修改", bclass: 'edit', onpress: ''}, {name: 'Delete', btnText: "删除", bclass: 'delete', onpress: ''}, {separator: true}, {name: 'Export', btnText: "导出Excel", bclass: 'excel', onpress: ''}]
var ids = $("#grid").getCheckedRows(); 可以获取到选中行的主键值,里面保存的是记录的ID数组。
... $json .= "\n{"; $json .= "user_id:'".$row['user_id']."',"; $json .= "cell:['".$i."'"; $json .= ",'".$row['user_id']."'"; ...?
$json .= "user_id:'".$row['user_id']."',";?
$json .= "id:'".$row['user_id']."',";
var rows = $("#grid).getSelectedRows(); // 获取表格行数据
*注意,该方法需要将 rowbinddata 参数设为 true,而且返回的数据为二维数组。
var p = { extParam: [ { name: "stuName", value: $("#selectinput").val() }, { name: "stuId", value: $("#selectStuId").val() }, { name: "stuNo", value: $("#selectNo").val() }, { name: "stuGrade", value: $("#selectGrade").val() }, { name: "SID", value: $("#sugvalue").val() }, { name: "Sname", value: $("#sugname").val() }, { name: "Sgust", value: $("#suggust").val() } ]};$("#grid").flexOptions(p).flexReload();?
然后再在Flexigrid中的 rowhandler参数定义一个函数,如下所示:
rowhandler: InitGridCheck,?
function InitGridCheck(tr) { var ch = $.browser.msie ? tr.ch : target.getAttribute("ch"); var cell = ch.split("_FG$SP_"); if(cell[7] != 1){return;} var chkb = $(tr).find(":checkbox"); if (chkb.length>0) { chkb[0].checked = true; chkb[0].defaultChecked = true; $(tr).addClass('trSelected'); }}
由于xuanye的修改版代码在取消显示checkbox列(showcheckbox: false)时,存在无法单击表格行时无法选定记录行的bug,因为如果不能选定记录行,则无法进行编辑、删除等操作。
$('tbody tr', g.bDiv).each(function() { // 增加单击行时的处理代码(modified by hegz 2009/03/29) $(this) .click( function(e) { var obj = (e.target || e.srcElement); if (obj.href || obj.type) return true; if ($(this).hasClass('trSelected')) { $(this).removeClass('trSelected'); if (p.showcheckbox) $("input.itemchk", this)[0].checked = false; } else { $(this).addClass('trSelected'); if (p.showcheckbox) $("input.itemchk", this)[0].checked = true; } if (p.onrowchecked) p.onrowchecked.call(this); if (p.singleSelect) $(this).siblings().removeClass('trSelected'); } ); // modified end ...
addRowProp: function() { $('tbody tr', g.bDiv).each(function() { $(this).click(function(e) { var obj = (e.target || e.srcElement); if (obj.href || obj.type) return true; $(this).toggleClass('trSelected'); if (p.singleSelect) $(this).siblings().removeClass('trSelected') }).mousedown(function(e) { if (e.shiftKey) { $(this).toggleClass('trSelected'); g.multisel = true; this.focus(); $(g.gDiv).noSelect() } }).mouseup(function() { if (g.multisel) { g.multisel = false; $(g.gDiv).noSelect(false) } }).hover(function(e) { if (g.multisel) { $(this).toggleClass('trSelected') } }, function() {}); if ($.browser.msie && $.browser.version < 7.0) { $(this).hover(function() { $(this).addClass('trOver') }, function() { $(this).removeClass('trOver') }) } })},
五、jQuery 1.4.2支持测试
jQuery 1.4.2推出后,由于效率比jQuery 1.3.2高很多,因此我们的项目开发需要逐渐过渡到jQuery 1.4.2,以改善项目的整体运行效率。怀着这样的目的,这两天来我抽时间对FlexiGrid在jQuery 1.4.2下的运行做了简单的测试。发现旧版本在jQuery 1.4.2也能正常运行,但由于jQuery 1.4.2对JSON数据格式有严格的限制,名值对必须加双引号括起来,否则将发生JSON数据解析错误。如下图所示:
打开Flexigrid的源代码,找到populate()方法,将其中的Ajax error回调函数修改为:
error:function (data, textStatus, errorThrown) { alert(textStatus); }
Paulo P. Marinas 的目标是致力打造功能完善、简单易用的轻量级grid。他确保将来增加新的功能后,代码经过压缩,大小不超过20K,这确实令人赞赏。但其一直以来计划增加的Editable功能始终无法实现,就令我等有点失望了,或者xuanye等大虾在不久的将来会去扩充实现这一功能也未可知。
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/** * 导出EXCEL * */function actionExport(){$user = $this->user;$sort = '`jg_id`, `username` ASC';$this->_tblUsers->enableLinks();$rows = $this->_tblUsers->findAll(null, $sort);//dump($rows);$i = 0;foreach ($rows as $row) {$rows[$i]['seq'] = $i + 1;$rows[$i]['cdate'] = date('Y.m.d', strtotime($row['created']));$rows[$i]['pdate'] = $row['pwdupdated'] == '0000-00-00 00:00:00' ? '' : date('Y.m.d', strtotime($row['pwdupdated']));$i++;}$this->tpl->assign('exportdate', date('Y年m月d日'));$this->tpl->assign('lists', $rows);$this->excelHeaderSend('用户操作工号分配表.xml');$this->display('ghgl.xml', false);}